View Full Version : Whoopi Goes Loopy During 9/11 Mosque Row

10-16-2010, 01:55 PM
Whoopi Goldberg stormed off the set of a top American TV show during a row about plans to build a mosque near the site of the New York terror strikes.

She and co-host Joy Behar walked out in disgust when Fox News anchor Bill O'Reilly said the proposals were "inappropriate" because "Muslims killed us on 9/11".

"No! Oh my God!" shouted Goldberg as her daily talk show The View descended into a slanging match.

Goldberg's next sentence is covered by a bleep, but she can clearly be seen mouthing: "That is such b*******!"

"Muslims didn't kill us on 9/11? Is that what you're saying?" replies O'Reilly.

Goldberg says it was "extremist" Muslims that carried out the attacks, as O'Reilly states that 70% of Americans are opposed to the Ground Zero mosque.

Behar stands up and shouts: "I don't want to sit here. I am outraged by that statement".

She is soon joined by Goldberg and the two women walk out of the studio.

Co-host and veteran ABC broadcaster Barbara Walters apologises to the audience, saying: "We should be able to have discussions without washing our hands and screaming and walking off stage."

But she then insists O'Reilly apologises for his comments, telling him: "It was extremists. You cannot take a whole religion and demean them."

O'Reilly grudgingly responds: "If anybody felt I was demeaning all Muslims, I apologise."

Producers of the The View - one of the most popular shows on US television - declined to comment further, saying: "The show speaks for itself."

Plans for the mosque have sparked protests and much debate in America, with many arguing the proposals are insensitive to the families of the near 3,000 people who died in the atrocity.

Source - Yahoo News & Entertainment.

10-16-2010, 03:23 PM
I loved seeing that, once O'Reilly I heard he was going there I knew there'd be drama.

Kenpachi Zaraki
10-16-2010, 06:01 PM
I completely agree with them

Big Evil
10-16-2010, 09:47 PM
O'Reilly needs to shut up if he can't understand the facts and keep himself from looking like a jackass on national tv. Muslims in general are not to blame, they had nothing to do with it. It is extremist factions that use their religion as a reason to attack others that are to blame. Now while the debate over the Mosque is a big one, it needs to be treated with sensitivity and that dumbass O'Reilly is just perpetuating the stereotype that all Americans are ignorant bigots by making that statement. He has a lot of nerve to say something like that and I hope he faces some repercussions as a result, although I'm sure I'm asking too much. I would walk out on his sorry ass too, even if I don't want the Mosque built nearby the 9/11 site.