View Full Version : RVD Heading Home, Funny TNA ReAction Note and Missouri Card

10-23-2010, 01:50 AM
Apparently, last night on TNA Reaction, where Eric Bischoff and company were talking about how the plans unfolded to take control of TNA from Dixie Carter, they still had her listed during the ending credits. Somebody tweeted Eric Bischoff "if u wanted to truly "sell" what ur doin then maybe take@TNADixie off Reaction ending credits". Dixie responded "See how stupid THEY are."

Rob Van Dam
has been added to the TNA Live Events in Michigan this weekend.

The lineup for the TNA Live Events next weekend in the Missouri area is:

*Jeff Hardy vs. AJ Styles vs The Pope for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.
*The Motor City Machineguns vs Generation ME for the TNA Tag Team Championship.
*Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky for the TNA Knockouts Championship
Also appearing are Jeff Jarrett, Matt Morgan, Ink Inc, Brian Kendrick, Kazarian, Eric Young and Magnus.


10-24-2010, 12:46 AM
thanks for the info Travis