View Full Version : Source claims that Undertaker/Lesnar was a work

10-26-2010, 07:36 PM
Credit: prowrestling.net

According to a "well-placed source" of Jason Powell, the Undertaker/Brock Lesnar confrontation at UFC 121 was a worked angle which took place without the blessing of UFC's President Dana White. Many within WWE have been under the impression that the confrontation was legitimate.

The source in WWE claims that only a handful of people knew going into UFC 121 that a confrontation would take place between the two men post-fight.

As reported, there is no current deal for Lesnar to compete at Wrestlemania 27, but it is what WWE officials are ultimately hoping for.

The confrontation video on YouTube already has two million views in a three-day span.

10-26-2010, 07:47 PM
I still say it was not a work. Taker acted like it was legit, and we all know there is some heat between those two.

10-26-2010, 10:57 PM
It was obviously a work. 'Taker just, out of the blue, says "Wanna Do It" and gets in Lesnar's face. Lesnar did nothing, as far as I could see, and it just screams that it was set-up, just didn't see realistic at all.

10-29-2010, 10:15 AM
Taker and Brock are "friends". Taker has been to Brock Lesnar UFC fights since day 1- he was even the only one beside Paul Heyman and Jim Ross who was allowed to be in the locker room of Brock...so this is work!!