View Full Version : Tidbits: Children Books, Buyrates, 11 Years Traded, Vickie-Daughter and More...

10-27-2010, 08:06 PM
"Stand Up for WWE" are the official sponsor of most live WWE events going forward. Thanks to Steven Fernandes.

WWE returns to the Taylor County Coliseum in Abilene, Texas on January 16th, 2011 at 5 PM. Tickets go on sale November 12th, 2010 at 10 AM.

Vickie Guerrero commented on WWE signing her daughter Shaul, writing, "I am proud and happy for my daughter getting signed! She has heart and commitment. Eddie would be so proud of her!"

Leon Peters sent the following....I just read your post about WWE celebrating their 10 year anniversary as a publicly traded company. It's actually 11 years. The WWF went public on October 19, 1999.

Brad Woodward pointed out the following, which I should have also pointed out earlier this morning....If you compare the September 2009 PPV (Breaking Point) to the September 2010 PPV (Night of Champions), the buyrates at this point are the same.

A number of WWE-based children's books will be released over the next few months.