View Full Version : HHH/Alberto Del Rio - What Happened & Discussion.

10-31-2010, 07:24 PM
- Triple H made his WWE return at the Fan Appreciation event in Hartford. Alberto Del Rio was in the ring cutting a promo on Rey Mysterio not being there when Triple H came out for a match. Triple H won with a Pedigree and then hit Del Rio's announcer with one.

He later led the WWE roster to the ring during the World Heavyweight Title match between Kane and John Cena, who made a surprise appearance. Nexus had came to attack Cena before Triple H, Randy Orton and other stars made the save. Triple H ended up hitting a Pedigree on Sheamus.

Source - LOP.

I would absolutely love a HHH/Alberto match/feud. The two apparently worked well; The bout was a squash, which dissapointed alot of people. Would you like to see a HHH/Alberto Del Rio match?

11-01-2010, 11:21 AM
It wouldnt be a bad idea. i think HHH NEEDS TO GET "REVENGE" on sheamus first. after that, why not.