View Full Version : ROH on HDNet Report November 1st 2010

11-03-2010, 10:46 PM
We start the show by taking a look back at Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards separately kicking Shane Hagadorn to the curb, and then the Kings Of Wrestling attacking Davey until Eddie runs in to make the save.

Cue the opening video, and then we're off to the ring for our opening match...

TV Title Match: Eddie Edwards vs Rhett Titus

Both men follow the Code Of Honor to start, and then they start the match by exchanging wristlocks. Titus sends Eddie into the ropes but Eddie comes back with a side headlock takeover and they have a quick mat wrestling exchange before winding up at a stalemate. Titus slaps Eddie and they start exchanging blows and then chops, and Titus tries a rollup but Eddie rolls through and hits a double stomp and then picks Titus up for a suplex and dumps him on the top rope. They head out to the apron where Eddie boots Titus in the face and then charges, but Titus moves and Eddie cracks into the ringpost. Titus starts going to work on the shoulder by repeatedly ramming it into the ringpost and guardrail. They head back into the ring where Titus continues to work the shoulder over with a nasty hammerlock (and if you see it, THAT is the way to apply a hammerlock), but Eddie fights out and hits a Frankensteiner and goes for the Backpack, but Titus slips out and hits a dropkick to the jaw for 2, then traps Eddie in the Rings Of Saturn. Eddie rolls through and gets a 2 count, but Titus immediately regains control with a boot to the ribs. Titus goes for a top rope Sex Factor, but Eddie shoves him off and crotches him on the top rope, and Eddie follows that with a Frankensteiner off the ropes. That was awesome. Eddie mounts a comeback, hitting an overhead belly-to-belly suplex that sends Titus to the outside, and Eddie wipes Titus out with an INSANE dive to the floor that we see several replays of, and then Eddie rolls Titus back in the ring and covers him for three, and immediately powerwalks to the back while holding his wrist.

Winner: Eddie Edwards

Looks like they had to go home early because Eddie legitimately hurt his wrist on that dive, and we see another replay that shows again how hard Eddie cracked into the guardrail.

Later tonight: Colt Cabana and El Generico take on Kevin Steen and Steve Corino in a cage match! We go backstage to Colt Cabana and El Generico, and Cabana says they're tricksters who think they have it all figured out, but for all they've taken from El Generico, they've given him purpose, and Steen & Corino can't run and hide, and when they finish them off in the cage tonight, it won't be over because Generico still has a score to settle with Steen 1-on-1.

We go to another Briscoes-Kings Of Wrestling video package, and I'm not going to recap it here because it looks like the exact same video package they've run for the last several weeks, except that it now includes footage from last week's Briscoes-KOW match and subsequent run-in from Papa Briscoe. I think they really just did this video package so we could hear Papa Briscoe call Shane Hagadorn a peckerhead again.

Time for our next match...

Rachel Summerlyn vs Sara Del Rey

Sara piefaces Rachel, so Rachel responds with several hard forearms, but Sara catches her with a back thrust kick and a rapid series of hard forearms. Sara with a hard running boot and then just brutally stomps Rachel into oblivion and then hangs her in the ropes for more kicks. Sara covers for 2 then gets a double chickenwing, then whips her to the corner and goes for a rolling kick, but Rachel moves and gets a few shots and a rolling Fisherman's Suplex for 2. Sara comes back with more kicks and locks in a heel hook and grapevines the leg for the tapout win.

Winner: Sara Del Rey

Sara grabs a mic and cuts a postmatch promo declaring herself the Queen Of Wrestling because she's destroyed everyone she's been in the ring with, and asks where the challenge is.

We see a video package showing what led up to the cage match we're about to see, and then we're off to the ring for our main event!

Cage Match: Kevin Steen & Steve Corino vs Colt Cabana & El Generico

Steen slams the door into Cabana's face and then they go after Generico, and the match starts out on the floor. After laying enough of a beating on Cabana and Generico, Steen and Corino roll their adversaries into the cage and then, when the referee locks the cage, Steen steals the key and stuffs it in his tights. Cabana and Generico come back and ram their opponents into the cage over and over, and then Generico gets a flying bodypress on both guys and Cabana lays them out with a double Bionic Elbow. Steen goes into the cage a few more times, and then it's Corino's turn to hit the cage and eat another Bionic Elbow, and then Cabana and Generico ram Corino into the cage about five more times. They pair off and the faces go up for ten punch counts, but Corino lowblows Cabana and Steen grabs Generico and rams him into the cage a couple of times before powerbombing him in the ring. Corino's busted open, but is with it enough to superkick Cabana off a Steen catapult. Now the heels are firmly in control, and Corino lays Cabana out with a stiff running chop and then Steen sits on Cabana's back and fishhooks his mouth. Steen and Corino continue the assault, and Cabana tries climbing the cage but Corino and Steen follow him up and knock him off, but Cabana's fall shakes the top rope and Steen and Corino both crotch themselves. Generico takes advantage of the situation to pop up and hit a running Yakuza Kick on both men. Generico with a tornado DDT on Corino and a running Yakuza Kick on Steen. Hart Attack/Yakuza Kick on Corino and then Cabana locks Corino in the Billy Goat's Curse, but Steen shoves Generico into Cabana and knocks him off. Generico suplexes Steen into the corner, but a charge leads him right into a superkick from Steen, Cabana moonsaults onto Steen, Corino lariats Cabana, and Generico with a half and half suplex on Corino, Yakuza Kicks for both Steen and Corino, and now Generico goes up top but Cabana tells him to go up to the top of the cage. Generico obliges, but Steen shoves Cabana into the cage and knocks Generico off the cage and to the floor. Since the cage is locked and Steen has the key, Generico has no way back into the cage, but Cabana pulls a railroad spike out of the corner turnbuckle and nails Corino with it. Steen nails Cabana from behind and gets the spike and hands it to Corino, then Steen traps Cabana in a Crippler Crossface while Cabana gouges the spike into Cabana's face, and the referee stops the match.

Winners: Kevin Steen & Steve Corino

Generico angrily slams a chair against the cage from the outside, then goes running to the back to look for bolt cutters. Steen and Corino celebrate in the ring and then Steen unlocks the cage and start to leave, but Generico comes back with the bolt cutters and chases Steen and Corino off with them. He gets back in the cage to check on Cabana as we see replays of Generico tearing his opponents apart at the end and the finish of the match. We go back in the ring and Generico is furious at the outcome of this match and starts throwing around the bolt cutters, the chain from the door and whatever else he can get his hands on.

Solid episode this week, down a step from the last couple of weeks but still good stuff. I liked the cage match, good brutal stuff and it did a good job of setting up a scenario that would believably drive Generico to the edge to the point where he wants to kill Steen. I also liked that Steen and Corino won since I think they've lost the vast majority, if not all of the matches in the feud up to this point and they really needed to get some heat back.

Next week: a double main event featuring the Kings Of Wrestling defending the World Tag Team Title against the Dark City Fight Club, and Eddie Edwards defends
the TV Title against Necro Butcher. Also, Homicide will make his HDNet debut. See you then!


11-04-2010, 12:00 AM
Cool, they brought Putski to ROH TV! :bow: ROH

Looks like a good episode.

Thanx for posting Travis!