View Full Version : WWE Superstars Report for November 4th, 2010

11-05-2010, 03:02 AM
We start off this week’s show with the Smackdown brand and your announcers are Todd Grisham and Matt Striker.

Match Number One: Kaval versus Jack Swagger with the Swagger Soaring Eagle in a Rematch from Smackdown Match

They lock up and Swagger works on the arm and wrist. Kaval with kicks to the leg and then he kicks Swagger in the head. Swagger backs Kaval into the turnbuckles and then connects with a shoulder. Swagger with an Irish whip but Kaval floats over and he kicks Swagger. Kaval runs into a kick from Swagger and Swagger sends Kaval to the floor. Kaval returns when Swagger goes to the floor and Kaval with a baseball slide and then he hits a double jump cross body from the ring to the floor. They return to the ring and Kaval gets a near fall. Kaval with a kick and he gets a near fall. Kaval goes to a front face lock to wear down Swagger. Swagger gets to his feet and he connects with elbows to get out of the hold. Swagger sends Kaval off the ropes and connects with a knee. Swagger sends Kaval off the apron and into the ringside barrier. Swagger sends Kaval into the ringside barrier again and then Swagger returns Kaval into the ring and he gets a near fall. Swagger with a double overhook submission on Kaval but Kaval gets to his feet. Kaval with a kick and elbows. Swagger with a kick to the midsection and then Kaval goes to the floor. Swagger does laps around the ring while Kaval tries to get back to his feet.

Swagger sends Kaval back into the ring and Swagger gets a near fall. Swagger with a front face lock but Kaval makes it to his feet. Swagger with a back breaker and Kaval is still showing the effects of the match. Swagger stands over Kaval as he lets Kaval get back to his feet. Swagger tries for a punch but Kaval blocks it. Kaval with a kick to Swagger but Swagger with a knee to the midsection. Swagger with a biel to Kaval and then he goes for the double jump Swagger Bomb for a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Swagger has Kaval in an abdominal stretch and he eventually gets out of the hold. Swagger tries for a pump handle slam but Kaval is able to counter with a lateral press and he gets a near fall. Kaval with a Rolling Liger kick that knocks Swagger off the apron and into the announce table. Kaval with a leaping round kick or two. Swagger avoids a kick but Kaval does not miss the second time. Kaval with a running round kick into the corner and Kaval gets a near fall.

Kaval goes to the apron and he sets for a springboard double stomp but Swagger moves. Swagger with a release German suplex but Kaval gets his foot under the rope and he also kicks out. Kaval goes to the apron one more time and Swagger tries to suplex him back into the ring. Kaval with a knee to block it. Swagger misses a shoulder to Kaval and Kaval with a kick to the chest and then he hits a sunset flip back into the ring and then he bridges but he can only get a two count.

Kaval with a double chop to Swagger and then he hits a Liger Kick and Swagger goes down. Kaval goes to the turnbuckles for the Warrior’s Way but Swagger gets to his feet. Kaval with a springboard reverse power bomb but he can only get a two count. Kaval is sent to the apron and he kicks Swagger but the Eagle trips Kaval on the apron and Kaval is put in the ankle lock and Kaval has to tap.

Winner: Jack Swagger

It is time for an NXT Recap and the Wedding of the Century of this Week on the Internet.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Vance Archer versus Luke Gallows in a Remember Me When I was Part of a Group Match

Archer with a kick and forearm but Gallows with a clothesline and punches. Gallows tries for a boot but he misses and catches his leg on the rope. Archer pulls Gallows down and punches him. Archer with a slam to Gallows and then Archer goes to the turnbuckles and hits a leg drop and gets a near fall. Archer with forearms to the back. Archer with a hard Irish whip and then he puts Gallows in a key lock with a chin lock as well. Gallows gets to his feet and they exchange punches. Gallows with punches but Archer with a Side Effect for a near fall.

Vance goes to the turnbuckles again but Gallows pulls Archer off the turnbuckles. Gallows with a kick to the arm and punches to Archer. Gallows with an Irish whip and running splash into the corner followed by a short arm clothesline and a running big boot. The straps come down and Gallows with a splash for a near fall.

Gallows with a forearm followed by an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Gallows with an uppercut and then he hits Gallows’ Pole for the three count.

Winner: Luke Gallows

We go to commercial.

It is now time for the Raw half of the show and your announcers are Scott Stanford and Jerry Lawler.

Match Number Three: Alicia Fox versus Gail Kim in a Battle of Former Champions Match

They lock up and they fight into the ropes and the referee breaks them up. They lock up again and Alicia with a side head lock and take down. Gail with a head scissors but Alicia escapes the hold. Gail with an arm drag into an arm bar. Alicia with kicks to Gail’s arm. Alicia with forearms followed by an Irish whip but Gail with a cross body for a near fall. Gail with kicks but Alicia with a knee. Alicia with a neck breaker and forearm to Gail. Alicia with a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Alicia with an Irish whip and back body drop.

Alicia chokes Gail in the ropes and Alicia takes advantage of the five count. Alicia with a forearm to the kidneys after sending Gail into the ropes. Alicia works on the back and Alicia with a vintage tilt-a-whirl backbreaker but Gail kicks out. Alicia with an Irish whip and Alicia misses a charge into the corner and Gail with a power slam for a near fall. Gail with a forearm and kicks to Alicia. Gail with a drop kick to Alicia and then she hits the running cross body into the corner. Gail moves when Alicia tries for a shoulder to Gail on the apron and Gail drops Alicia on the middle rope. Gail sends Alicia back into the ring but Alicia with a kick to the midsection. Gail escapes a DDT and hits Eat Defeat for the three count.

Winner: Gail Kim

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to take a look at the WWE Title Match at Survivor Series.

We see what happened last week on Superstars when Mark had a match with Jey Uso only to have Jimmy interfere.

Match Number Four: The Usos with Tamina versus Mark Henry in a Mark Henry wishes that his Little Buddy was here Match (Jey Right arm)

Jey starts off and Mark wants Jimmy in the ring. Jey hits Mark from behind and he kicks and punches Henry but Henry pushes Jey down. Henry with a head butt to Jey and he pulls Jey into the corner to tag in Jimmy but Jimmy goes to the floor. Jimmy makes the blind tag and when Jey hits a cross body and Mark holds him up, Jimmy with a clip and he gets a near fall. Jimmy with a series of head butts to Henry for a near fall. Jimmy with a leg drop for a near fall. Jey tags in and Jey with a diving head butt to the arm and he gets another near fall.

Jey with a front face lock but Henry with a back body drop. Henry with a punch and clotheslines to Jey followed by a body block. Henry misses the splash when Jey moves out of the way. Tamina with a super kick to Henry when Jimmy distracts the referee. Jey with a jumping savate kick and then he tags in Jimmy who hits a splash from the top turnbuckles for the three count.

Winners: The Usos