View Full Version : Update on the Current Status of The Undertaker

11-05-2010, 09:49 AM
The Undertaker will indeed be undergoing torn rotator cuff surgery this week. The original plan was for Taker to work the current European tour and take time off after Survivor Series, where he would lose a Buried Alive match against Kane. The match was moved to Bragging Rights because Taker had been in severe pain and needed the surgery.

As recent as last week, there was talk that Taker may continue to wrestle lightly for the next few months, wrestle at WrestleMania 27 and then take the time off but that has changed. Until the surgery is over, there is no solid time table for his return. The feeling right now within WWE is that they expect him to work WrestleMania if he can but they recognize the possibility that he won't be recovered enough.

11-05-2010, 08:51 PM
That would suck if he couldn't go at Mania.

11-07-2010, 09:55 PM
Undertaker not at WM is nothing I look forward...but that means he keeps around at least one more year, because he wants one last WM match in best physical condition!

At least this is what I expect of Taker's character.