View Full Version : Katie Price slams US healthcare

11-05-2010, 02:47 PM
Katie Price has urged Britons to get cosmetic surgery at home, rather than the US.

Speaking on ITV1's Loose Women, the glamour model spoke about the "horrific" complications which arose when she had a procedure across the Atlantic.

Price said: "I thought going to America would be the best place, they look after you well. I would advise anyone not to go to America and always have it done in England. You can't beat the NHS, you just can't.

"After you have an operation in America... they just drive you somewhere. Whatever state you're in they just drive you to this healthcare place, you're looked after by different nurses or carers, not the doctor. They just give you all medication and you're sort of out of it."

She added: "It took them three days to realise I couldn't move my arm, one of them - it was paralysed. I'd just eaten [and] they called the doctor over, because I was so drugged up I couldn't tell them that I couldn't move my arm.

"Then he said, 'Oh my God, we're going to have to take you straight down to put you sleep again'. I'd just eaten - normally you can't eat but they didn't care. So there they were again, just because they'd blocked a nerve or something under my armpit."