View Full Version : Mickie James 20 Questions

11-09-2010, 05:04 PM

At Mickiejames.com we have posted an exclusive twenty question interview with TNA Knockout Mickie James. In the interview we talk about her budding music career, her thought process in signing with TNA and what she has in store for the future. The interview is an exclusive to mickiejames.com, but here are two of the questions she answered.

Can you talk about the decision process with regards to TNA and what made you to sign with them?

I think a lot of people know (TNA President) Dixie Carter attended my CD release party in Nashville in May, so we were talking. I was entertaining the move for a while. I think what made it click was working an independent gig where friends of mine were there. It made me remember why I got in wrestling in the first place. It was my genuine love for wrestling. I think sometimes it becomes a business and you forget the important details. Now I feel like I have a renewed spirit. I remember why I got into the business and it's that love. I know that Dixie is behind me 100% with the music too. We're going to try to work both of the schedules together. One hand feeds the other. She gets that. She wants me to be successful and to pursue music or acting if I so choose. She knows I'm representing TNA with everything that I do. That's not a liberty that you often have in any business. I think that's a really cool thing. It gives everybody power over their own destiny. It allows you to go after your dreams and do what you want to do. You're still an individual.

This past Sunday at TNA Turning Point you had a match with Tara that ended up being in a brawl that spilled all over the arena. When it got broken up the fans were chanting "Let Them Fight!" and later on in the show it continued backstage. Where do you see it going?

It was pretty incredible. It was my first PPV singles match in TNA, so it was my debut in terms of that. I think there's no doubt that the history between Tara and I is great. She's definitely one of the best in the business. We brought the fight to eachother. I think we raised the bar for our locker room and any locker room around the world. It was a lot of fun. I know both of us are hurting for certain today (Monday), but it was really cool to raise the bar for ourselves and the business. We've heard a lot of comments about how not only was it possibly the match of the night, but ladies match of the year. To have a women's match get such high praise is an honor. Women's wrestling is not fluff. We can go just as hard as the guys. That's why we are in this business. We are wrestlers. We're not just eye candy who are out there to look good. You heard the crowd chanting "Let Them Fight!" and it was an awesome feeling. I'm excited to see what's next. I think this is just the beginning of an all out war.

To read the rest of the exclusive twenty question interview please visit mickiejames.com today.


11-10-2010, 04:37 PM
thanks for the post Travis

11-10-2010, 05:05 PM
Thanx for posting Travis!

Mickie for next TNA Womens Champion!