View Full Version : The Miz and Alex Riley on Sky Sports Recap

11-10-2010, 10:06 PM
The Miz and Alex Riley appeared on Sky Sports News at around 9:50 am this morning to promote the same things they promoted this morning on Daybreak; Survivor Series, Raw at the O2, tonight's Smackdown taping, and also last night's Raw. It featured the same joke about Riley folding Miz's underwear that i saw on Daybreak.

The Miz was in and out of character. He spoke about last night's Raw and how he might cash the Money in the Bank briefcase at Survivor Series against Randy Orton. He also showed the Money in the Bank briefcase and all of it's dents; they were mainly all of Daniel Bryan's until Riley humorously pointed out that one of the dents is because of his head. They also talked about who they idolized growing up. Miz questioned whether or not idolizing himself counted, and Riley named Shawn Michaels, but also said as he grew closer to the business he looked up to The Miz to go along with whole kiss-ass protege character he was playing.

They talked about football (soccer). Miz mentioned that Manchester United (the team I support) is quite well supported in the U.S and that he supports them. This angered one of the news reporters who said he was a Manchester City fan, Manchester City along with Liverpool (whose team kit you may have seen the heel divas wear at last night's raw) are the two teams we Manchester United fans despise.

Riley noted that he's not really interested in soccer but I'm pretty sure he said he supports the Baltimore Ravens. The Miz then challenged the Manchester City supporting news reporter to a fight after the break once they had finished the interview.