View Full Version : Yushin Okami Says His Goal Is To Fight Anderson Silva

11-11-2010, 12:14 PM
UFC Middleweight, Yushin Okami has been talking about his UFC 122 main event fight with Nate Marquardt at UFC 122 in Oberhausen, Germany later this month, saying his main goal is to fight Anderson Silva for a second time in his career.

Speaking during the media conference call, Okami said:

“I’d like to fight against Anderson Silva. I have lost some very important fights so I never thought I was bypassed. It’s going to be a big challenge because Nate Marquardt is a very well-rounded fighter, and he has no weakness. He has very good finishing power so I should be very careful about that.”

“I would like to finish with a KO or submission. I’ve been training for finishing Nate Marquardt in three rounds so I have no pressure of decision or anything like that. I do not have that kind of pressure. I’m prepared for the fight and I know that when I do what I have to do, it’s going be a very exciting fight. Anderson Silva is one of my goals so this is a very important step for me.”

Okami is on a two fight winning streak inside the octagon with victories over Lucio Linhares and Mark Munoz. The UFC has announced that the winner of the Yushin Okami/Nate Marquardt fight will get a title shot for the UFC Middleweight championship.

11-11-2010, 07:07 PM
Silva would crush him!

Thanx for posting Konan!

11-12-2010, 03:11 AM
Fun fact: Okami was actually the last person to beat Silva, 4 years ago. Granted, it was because of an illegal kick from Silva and Okami was getting his ass kicked before hand, lol, but still.

11-12-2010, 03:14 AM
Think i'd rather see Nate vs Silva :P

11-12-2010, 06:22 PM
I really dont think Okami is in Silva's league. Hes just gotten lucky that Sonnen is out thats the only reason we are talking about him. For that division its Nate, Chael, Vitor( even though im not sold on him at all), and Anderson. Okami doesnt even come up for me