View Full Version : EVOLVE Update: Playboy Playmate Added and Must See Promos

11-15-2010, 10:44 PM
EVOLVE will present its final event of 2010 this Saturday. "EVOLVE 6: Aries vs. Taylor" will take place at The ACE Arena in Union City, NJ. This intimate venue has a real fight club atmosphere. It is located just a few minutes from the Lincoln Tunnel and there is plenty of public transportation from NYC and all over NJ. Go to the www.EVOLVEwrestling.com Live Cards page for all the info. Here is the latest leading into the event:

-2009 Miss Howard Stern, Playboy Cyber Girl Of The Month and 2007 Playboy Playmate Reby Sky will be at the event as part of Larry Dallas' VIP Party. Visit www.RebySky.com for pictures and a bio. The VIP party makes EVOLVE the "in" spot to be. This will be open to the fans as Larry Dallas will have a special VIP section in The ACE Arena. Come to EVOLVE and party with Reby Sky. Larry Dallas has sent out this special invite via his Facebook with an additional discount code on tickets: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=167593463261510

-All 1st and 2nd row tickets are $5 off until Wednesday night. GA tickets are also $15 in advance. They will be $20 at the door. Go to www.EVOLVEwrestling.com or call 267-519-9744 to order or for more info.

-EVOLVE has released some great promos in the last 72 hours. Seriously, these are worth a few minutes of your time. You want intensity, realism and something different, these guys are putting in the time and effort to make it happen. For those of you complaining about what's on TV, overly scripted promos and the need for new stars and old school intensity, watch with these two free promos:

Homicide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMGhTzFot1I
Jon Moxley: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvUG-_YjNLI

"I've booked Homicide since 2002 and I feel this is one of his best promos," EVOLVE Co-Founder Gabe Sapolsky said. "However, I am personally begging each of you to watch the Moxley promo. This guy has that "it" factor. He made me believe and want to buy a ticket to see this match. He is totally different than CM Punk, but he reminds me of where Punk was in his career in 2003. Please take three minutes and watch this."

-There are plenty of updates now at www.EVOLVEwrestling.com so please check them out. Thank you.


11-16-2010, 05:02 PM
thanks for this Travis