View Full Version : Irish Central Bank chief sees EU offering 'substantial loan'

11-18-2010, 09:24 PM
Ireland could receive "tens of billions" of euros in an international bailout, the head of Ireland's Central Bank said Thursday as EU and IMF experts arrived in the country to assess the situation.

Patrick Honohan said he expected that a "very substantial loan, tens of billions," would be made to prop up the crisis-hit economy, in one of the clearest signs yet that Ireland was prepared to accept help.

"It's not my call. It's the government at the end. It's my expectation that that is what is likely to happen," Honohan told RTE Radio.

The mission from the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund is expected to start formal talks with Irish officials on Friday to assess the financial situation of the debt-wracked eurozone country.

The visit comes amid growing signs that Ireland could become the second eurozone economy after Greece to be bailed out this year.

Debt burdens weighing on both countries, as well as on Portugal, have caused consternation in European financial circles where it is feared the future of the eurozone could be at stake.

European Central Bank head Jean-Claude Trichet on Thursday voiced "grave concerns" about economic governance in the eurozone in what he called an "exceptionally demanding and uncertain" environment.

He recalled that the ECB had expressed worries about the weakening of the Stability and Growth Pact, which seeks to limit the budget deficits of EU member states.

"I am sending this message, as solemnly today as in 2005 when I expressed, on behalf of the (ECB) Governing Council, those grave concerns that I just quoted," Trichet said.

"In the past days, taking into account the lessons of the global crisis, in particular as regards its impact on the European single market and in the single currency area, we have called, and are still calling, for a quantum leap of governance."

Honohan said that while he expected the talks between the experts and officials to lead to a loan offer, he was not concerned about its effect on a country where many fear a full bailout would lead to a loss of sovereignty.

"I think this is the way forward," he said. "I don't see it as something that is really worrisome or should lead to a huge change in direction."

Despite huge pressure, Ireland's leaders have not committed to accepting an aid package in the face of concerns about how conditions attached might affect issues such as its tax policy.

The government is determined to safeguard its low rate of corporation tax, one of the lowest in Europe, which has allowed Ireland to attract business but is considered an unfair advantage by countries such as Germany.

"Our 12.5 percent corporation tax rate is a vital draw for foreign direct investment and it remains a key component of our industrial policy.

"It is an aspect of taxation on which the government is not for turning," said Enterprise Minister Batt O'Keeffe.

In a rowdy parliamentary session, Enda Kenny, leader of the main Fine Gael opposition party, attacked Prime Minister Brian Cowen's coalition government, accusing it of indulging in "cronyism, sleeven (trickster) politics, dig outs, nod-and-wink, how is your father (and) buy them off."

Cowen was non-committal on a possible bailout, saying the central bank governor "is entitled to give his view.

"My responsibility is to ensure that we get the best possible outcome for the country while dealing with a problem which is not limited to our jurisdiction but throughout the euro area itself," he told RTE.

Ireland's Communications Minister Eamon Ryan, a member of the Green minority coalition partners, was more positive, saying Honohan "put it very well. I wouldn't disagree with what he said.

"If needs be, if markets aren't confident -- and that has been our biggest problem -- we would look at providing further capital," Ryan told RTE.

OECD chief economist Pier Carlo Padoan said Ireland could send an "extremely beneficial" message by opting to accept international help.

"We are seeing by the day how nervous markets are about any news that can come out of policy environment. This decision would have a signalling effect that would be extremely beneficial," he said.

Source - Yahoo News.