View Full Version : MacTech Boot Camp 2011 announced for Jan. 26 in San Francisco

11-19-2010, 07:14 PM
On the heels of the first-ever annual MacTech Conference, early next year MacTech Boot Camp 2011 will be held for those who support home users and the small business market.

MacTech Magazine on Friday announced the Boot Camp 2011 conference, a single-track, hotel-based seminar that is specifically geared to serve the needs of consultants and techs wanting to better serve their base. MacTech Boot Camp will be held in San Francisco on Wednesday, Jan. 26, the day before the MacWorld Expo.

Attendance to MacTech Boot Camp costs $495, but attendees who book by Dec. 15 will save $200 and pay $295 with early registration. As with MacTech Conference 2010, AppleInsider is proud to sponsor MacTech Boot Camp 2011.

"MacTech Conference 2010 was an enormous success delivering amazing content and a quality conference to IT Pros and developers in the large organization, Enterprise, and ISV markets," said Neil Ticktin, editor-in-chief and publisher of MacTech Magazine. "We know that many consultants and techs in the market focus on serving the home and small business communities. MacTech Boot Camp is designed just for them.

"If you're already serving the home and small business users, or want to be, MacTech Boot Camp expert-taught sessions will help you to learn best practices that will not only make you more productive, but more successful."


MacTech Boot Camp will use the "running order" approach to pack the maximum amount of sessions into the time available. Sessions will include topics such as:

* resources for finding answers
* backup systems and options
* client handling
* client documentation, passwords and records
* support call techniques
* marketing oneself in a community
* software updates
* remote support and access
* troubleshooting hardware
* networking basics
* Windows on the Mac options
* basic scripting
* iOS Support
* Viruses and Security
* basic command line

Working with v.2 Consulting, MacTech Boot Camp attendees can also take part in a moderated study session and discussion group on Mac OS X support essentials, followed by a proctored Apple Certification Exam. The instructor-led study group and exam, normally priced at $299, are $199.

The publication also announced Friday the results of its MacTech Conference 2010 attendee survey. Almost 300 people took part in the conference, held Nov. 3 through Nov. 5 in Los Angeles, Calif.

The conference featured the first public demonstration of Mac-based Planetary Exploration Rovers, and a keynote address about Mac OS X 10.7 Lion by Andy Ihnatko of the Chicago Sun-Times. The IT and developer tracks had over 40 sessions from world-class speakers.

Conference organizers are currently assessing plans and feedback for MacTech Conference 2011 tentatively slated for Fall 2011. Those interested in knowing more about MacTech Conference 2011 should visit mactech.com/conference/ or follow @mactech or @mactechconf on Twitter.

Apple Insider