View Full Version : Update on Mr. Anderson's status with TNA

11-20-2010, 07:58 PM
According to prowrestling.net, TNA will be keeping Ken Anderson out of the ring for the rest of the year. The expectation at this point is that he will still be involved on shows, but not actually wrestle until January 2011. The belief within TNA is that they want to be very careful with Anderson's health after he suffered a serious concussion back in October.

11-21-2010, 07:18 PM
thanks for the update Konan

11-23-2010, 02:38 AM
He should be kept out of the ring simply because he sucks

11-23-2010, 11:22 AM
dude cant stay healthy even on a relaxed schedule, he needs to just find a new line of work, maybe just do cometary

11-23-2010, 11:29 PM
I don't think you people understand the difference between being injury-prone and Anderson's current situation. The dude took the edge (not the flat part) of a steel f'n chair to the base of his neck/head. That's not injury-prone, that's simply being human. If Hardy knew how to swing a friggin' gimmick, Anderson would still be wrestling. Direct your wrath at the highly overrated drug addict, not the guy who no doubt spent quite a bit of time over the last several weeks living his life in a dark room/throwing up uncontrollably.

11-24-2010, 12:09 AM
ahhh see i didnt know the whole thing just figure it was typical anderson shit, and ya i hate hardy throw his fucking ass in jail any normal person would be already...

11-29-2010, 05:13 AM
I don't think you people understand the difference between being injury-prone and Anderson's current situation. The dude took the edge (not the flat part) of a steel f'n chair to the base of his neck/head. That's not injury-prone, that's simply being human. If Hardy knew how to swing a friggin' gimmick, Anderson would still be wrestling. Direct your wrath at the highly overrated drug addict, not the guy who no doubt spent quite a bit of time over the last several weeks living his life in a dark room/throwing up uncontrollably.
I dont think you understand that people are calling him injury prone, not just for this one injury but the 15 prior. The guy has spent more time injured in the last 3 years than he has spent healthy.

11-29-2010, 07:28 AM
I dont think you understand that people are calling him injury prone, not just for this one injury but the 15 prior. The guy has spent more time injured in the last 3 years than he has spent healthy.

But THIS time he is out because of someone ELSE's botch. Not a conditioning thing. Not a bad landing. A botch that could have killed him or at least left him paralyzed. Honestly he was lucky just walking away with a concussion.

11-29-2010, 02:37 PM
Tapout is right on the money. And Will, obviously you're not a fan of Anderson (which is fine) but I'm not even sure you can call him injury prone. Anderson has been wrestling since 2001 and been injured and missed time in the ring due to the following:

- In 2005, Anderson tore a Lat Muscle (missed 6 months)
- In 2006, Exposed Cranium which required 20 stitches after Batista botched a throw and Anderson's head hit the steel steps (he missed no time)
- In 2008, Anderson dislocated his shoulder (missed 5 months, then went on promotional tour for his Behind Enemy Lines movie)
- 2010, his latest injury, at the hands of Mr. Botch himself, Jeff "I'm a moron drug addict" Hardy.

So, in 10 YEARS of being a pro wrestler, Anderson has missed significant time due to legitimate injury twice. Hardly "injury prone".

11-29-2010, 07:57 PM
Thanx for the update Konan

It's sad he get injured so often, cause he is an interesting wrestler

11-29-2010, 11:47 PM
Tapout is right on the money. And Will, obviously you're not a fan of Anderson (which is fine) but I'm not even sure you can call him injury prone. Anderson has been wrestling since 2001 and been injured and missed time in the ring due to the following:

- In 2005, Anderson tore a Lat Muscle (missed 6 months)
- In 2006, Exposed Cranium which required 20 stitches after Batista botched a throw and Anderson's head hit the steel steps (he missed no time)
- In 2008, Anderson dislocated his shoulder (missed 5 months, then went on promotional tour for his Behind Enemy Lines movie)
- 2010, his latest injury, at the hands of Mr. Botch himself, Jeff "I'm a moron drug addict" Hardy.

So, in 10 YEARS of being a pro wrestler, Anderson has missed significant time due to legitimate injury twice. Hardly "injury prone".

Actually im not not a fan. I nothing the guy. If he wasn't such a silly looking guy, I would have problems picking him out of a lineup. I may have seen him wrestle once. BTW you skipped his torn biceps in 2007. Lets put that in perspective, in 2005 he missed half the year due to injury, in 2007 he missed half the year due to injury, in 2008 he missed half the year due to injury, in 2009 he barely wrestled and in 2010 he's ending the year on the injured list.

Y0UR Messiah
11-30-2010, 12:08 AM
Not an Anderson fan at all. But come on guys, he gets hurt. So have a LOT of wrestlers. Look at Cena, he's been in WWE since what, 2004 and he's been out 3 or 4 times due to injury. It happens. Get over it.

11-30-2010, 06:13 PM
Actually im not not a fan. I nothing the guy. If he wasn't such a silly looking guy, I would have problems picking him out of a lineup. I may have seen him wrestle once. BTW you skipped his torn biceps in 2007. Lets put that in perspective, in 2005 he missed half the year due to injury, in 2007 he missed half the year due to injury, in 2008 he missed half the year due to injury, in 2009 he barely wrestled and in 2010 he's ending the year on the injured list.

I guess someone really isn't watching the wrestling, are they? That 'torn bicep' you're talking about wasn't actually torn. That's what they initially thought it was but it turned out to be a deep muscle bruise, nothing more. He didn't miss any time. Again, if you're not gonna actually watch the product, how can possibly hope to speak on it?