View Full Version : ROH on HDNet Report 22nd November 2010

11-23-2010, 06:20 PM
We open with a recap of Kevin Steen's challenge to El Generico last week to put his mask on the line against him at Final Battle, with Steen putting his own career on the line in return.

Tonight, Davey Richards takes on Shawn Daivari in the main event, and right now let's head to the ring for our opening match...

Winner Gets A TV Title Shot: Erick Stevens vs Colt Cabana

This ought to be interesting, I don't think I've ever seen these two lock up before. Tie up and Cabana takes Stevens to the corner, high fives Stevens, and breaks clean. Stevens responds with a boot to the gut and a wristlock, but Cabana rolls his way out and reverses to a Greco Roman knucklelock, and converts that to a pinning combination. I'd just like to point out that cabana's matches are usually the most difficult to recap, because I'm faced with either spending two hours typing out everything he does in the comedy matches and trying to figure out what to call some of those complex moves he does that I've never seen before. I usually end up giving up and just calling it "standard Colt Cabana comedy match" and "chain wrestling sequence" instead, and that might come off as lazy, but I've got to say something and don't have all day to do it, and this is one of the reasons I tell people that recapping wrestling matches isn't as easy as it looks. Anyway, Stevens helps me out by hitting a move I know by putting Cabana down with a Samoan Drop, then a series of knees to the midsection and a Russian Legsweep into a seated abdominal stretch. See, isn't that much easier? Cabana gets out and Stevens tries a standing abdominal stretch, but Cabana gets out so Stevens powerslams him instead. Stevens gets a chinlock, and while I wait for that to play out, I'd just like to note that Stevens looks like a million bucks with all the weight he's lost, and now that he's lost what looks like at least 20-30 pounds, I think it'd be really cool if he surprised us by thowing in, say, a bodypress or something every now and then. Stevens takes Cabana to the corner and rams a series of shoulderblocks into the small of the back, then a snapmare and an elbowdrop gets 2 and he goes to an inverted bearhug. Cabana elbows his way out of that and hits a Lionsault, and I do believe the tide has turned. Cabana fires up and starts his comeback with a series of rights and the Bionic Elbow and covers for 2. Cabana with a facebreaker and a clothesline to the back of the head for 2. Cabana goes to the second rope and Stevens tosses him off, Cabana rolls through but Stevens catches him coming back up with a clothesline that gets 2. Cabana escapes a slam and goes for the Flying Apple, but Stevens catches him and hits a German Suplex. Stevens fires up and goes for the Choo Choo, but Cabana catches him coming in with the Butt Butt and gets the Billy Goat's Curse. The referee gets distracted by Nana and Osiris and Cabana breaks the hold to go after them, but Stevens nails him from behind and goes for the Doctor Bomb, but Cabana counters to a rollup for the win.

Winner: Colt Cabana

Really good match, Cabana broke out a few new moves in this one and I did my best to name them, I swear!

Okay, back to the ring where Jim Cornette is joined by the Kings Of Wrestling, and he says that the KOW have been pretty stingy about defending the World Tag Team Title, and he understands that he wants to make sure that challengers are worthy of a title shot before they give them one, and they want to protect the integrity of the title, but Cornette says he also heard them say that they have no problem wrestling anyone in a non-title match. Shane Hagadorn says that's correct, so Cornette says that he's announced their non-title opponents for Final Battle...the Briscoes! The Briscoes come out to the ring, and are joined by Papa Briscoe. Shane Hagadorn is not happy to see Papa Briscoe, and threatens to sue ROH because Papa Briscoe is out there. Cornette says he invited Papa Briscoe and he knows he's supposed to be barred from ROH and Hagadorn has criminal charges pending against him, but he then points out that Chris Hero struck Papa Briscoe, a senior citizen, and knocked him out. Papa Briscoe spoke to a personal injury attorney, and because of his head injuries and blurry vision, he has a strong case against Hero, and if Hagadorn sends Papa Briscoe to jail, he'll sue them for everything they've got. Hero says fine, they've beaten the Briscoes before and they'll be happy to do it one more time. Jay Briscoe says they've had the belts six times and they're not worried about winning them again, they just want to get their hands on them at Final Battle. They all sign the contract, and then Cornette informs the KOW that the contract they just signed was for a six man pitting the Kings Of Wrestling and Shane Hagadorn against the Briscoes and Papa Briscoe. Hagadorn's head explodes at this latest development, and Jay wraps it up by telling Hagadorn that their father has been whupping their asses since they were kids, so imagine what he's going to do to him! Good thing CPS didn't take kids away for stuff like that in the mid 80s.

Don't forget, Davey Richards battles Shawn Daivari in the main event tonight! Okay, back to the ring for some Women Of Honor...

Sara Del Rey vs Daizee Haze

Mike Hogewood makes sure to tell us that this match has a 10 minute time limit right at the beginning, which completely telegraphs the finish of the match. Sara with a cheap forearm off the handshake, and goes for a rolling kick, but Daizee bails out to the floor. A clock counting down the time limit pops up in the corner, just to completely beat you over the head with the finish we all know is coming. Daizee heads back in and hits a clothesline and a spinning crossbody for 2, and then another for 2 again. Series of boots from Daizee sends Sara to the floor, and Daizee goes up top and dives, but Sara moves. Daizee lands on her feet, but Sara runs her over with a clothesline and sends her back in the ring where she goes for a powerbomb but YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB DAIZEE!! She lands on her feet and gets a side headlock and takes Sara down with it just to run the clock down. Sara gets to her feet and goes for a suplex, but Daizee lands on her feet and takes Sara back down with the headlock. Sara gets up and takes Daizee to the corner and rams several shoulders in, but Daizee recovers and goes for a tornado DDT, but Sara shoves her off and covers Daizee for 2, and tries a second time, and again gets 2. Sara tosses Daizee across the ring by the hair and continues stomping her out. Daizee tries to fight back so Sara just drops down on her chest and drags her to the apron where she ties Daizee up in the ropes and repeatedly lays kicks into Daizee's chest. Sara tries one last kick but Daizee catches the leg and hits a Dragon Screw legwhip and Sara crashes to the floor. Daizee goes up top and this time she hits the dive to the floor. They head back in and Daizee comes off the top with a flying headscissors and gets the monkey flip/facebuster thing she does for 2. Daizee continues the assault and gets a series of neckbreakers and the heart punch, but Sara ducks the Yakuza Kick and picks her up on her shoulders, but Daizee with a victory roll for 2. Sara gets an Angle Slam and Daizee rolls out to the apron, and Sara simply lifts her up into a Gory Special to burn more time, but Daizee won't throw in the towel, so Sara keeps her in the Gory Special and stretches her further by throwing in a guillotine as well. Daizee finally slips out and gets an abdominal stretch, then turns that into a sunset flip for 2. Daizee goes for a German Suplex, but we all know how that's going to turn out, and instead Sara uses her butt to escape, and this time nails the front kick and SHE POWERBOMBS DAIZEE! WHOA! She only gets 2 thought, and as I type that the Spoiler Clock pops back up in the corner with 12 seconds left. Yep. Sara goes for a powerbomb, Daizee blocks hits a chinbreaker, and the bell rings just as Daizee is about to go for the Yakuza Kick, which the referee stops her from delivering seeing as the match is over and all.

Time Limit Draw

The announcers bemoan the finish we all knew was coming the second the match started, and say we still don't know who the better wrestler is. Well, I would venture to say that since Sara has won about 9,996 of the 10,000 matches I've seen them wrestle, I can take a pretty educated guess at the answer to that one.

We go backstage to Kyle Durden, who is joined by Steve Corino. Corino says that Kyle's known him a long time and has never seen him concerned, but Corino is a control freak, and a year ago when he came up with his master plan, breaking up with Generico was only supposed to be a part of the master plan with Steen as the future of Ring Of Honor. Now we're only a few weeks away from Final Battle and Steen says he'll leave ROH if Generico beats him. Generico doesn't know what he's gotten himself into because Steen is out of control now and there's nothing Corino can do, he can't talk sense into Steen anymore so he needs to talk sense into Generico. He's going to talk sense into Generico next week, because Kevin Steen has gone crazy. As he says that, we pan off to the side of the interview set where Steen is sitting in a chair, staring off into space and wearing Generico's mask.

Another Mike Bennett promo, this time talking about how he was trained by a shady, outlaw promoter named Bob Evans up in Boston, and it was an environment that Bennett thrived in.

It's main event time!

Shawn Daivari vs Davey Richards

Daivari spits in Davey's face, which was a great idea of course. They exchange wristlocks to start and Daivari takes him down with a top wristlock, but Davey does the Danielson cartwheel/smack the hands/dropkick escape and then takes Daivari down with a side headlock. Davey with a pair of shoulderblocks and Daivari doesn't move. He tries a third time and still nothing, Daivari smacks him in the face so Davey kicks him and comes off the ropes, but Daivari puts him down with a shoulderblock. For those who haven't seen Daivari in a while and wonder how he's overpowering davey, let me just say that he's gotten himself in amazing shape. But Davey is still the main eventer, so he tosses Daivari to the floor and whips him into the guardrail, then hits a running Yakuza Kick that pops Daivari over the guardrail and into the crowd. Davey unloads with kicks and tosses Daivari back into the ring and goes for a tornado DDT, but Daivari powers Davey up over the top to the floor, where Prince Nana and Ernie Osiris put the boots to Davey before throwing him back in. Daivari whips Davey hard into the corner and covers him for 2. They exchange blows and Daivari blows a windmill backbreaker, but covers Davey for 2 and then goes right to an inverted bearhug. Davey fights his way out and comes off the ropes, but Osiris trips Davey and allows Daivari to go back on the offensive. Daivari tries a charge but Davey dodges out to the apron and hits a running kick to Osiris, then comes back in and does a couple of pinfall reverses before getting an anklelock on Daivari. Daivari kicks his way out and backdrops Davey to the apron, but Davey with an enziguiri and goes up top. Nana tries to take a shot at him but Davey nails him and then hits a missile dropkick to Daivari and a running forearm in the corner, followed by a snap suplex and a diving headbutt for 2. Crowd chants USA at the two Americans in the ring as they fight over a waistlock, but Davey goes for the handspring enziguiri and Daivari catches him in midair and gets a German Suplex, Davey tries to fight out but Daivari hits a second one, and then a third, and then a fourth dumps Davey right on the top of his head. Daivari covers but only gets 2, so he slams Davey and goes up top for a top rope splash, but Davey gets the knees up. They both get to their feet and start exchanging blows again, but Davey gets an enziguiri and Daivari comes back with a lungblower for a close 2. Daivari picks Davey up in a fireman's carry, but Davey gets a victory roll into an anklelock and Daivari fights out of that, but Davey converts it right into a Texas Cloverleaf and Daivari finally taps.

Winner: Davey Richards

Terrific match and way better than I expected. I thought this was going to be a glorified squash, but it ended up being extremely competitive and this was easily Daivari's best match in ROH. Great episode overall, with the vast majority of the show taking place in the ring as ROH continues to build to Final Battle.

Next week: Mike Bennett finally makes his ROH debut, and Homicide faces Necro Butcher under Butcher's Rules. I was at their No DQ match in Edison, NJ back in 2006 and if this match comes close to what they did in the first match, it's going to be something else.

Thanks for reading, and if you're in the United States, enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday and PLEASE be careful and make sure that if you drink, do it after putting the keys down for the evening. Take care and see you next week!


11-23-2010, 10:03 PM
Oh Yeah! Colt Cabana for the NEW TV Champion!

Thanx for posting Travis!