View Full Version : The Miz Wants it All

11-24-2010, 11:42 PM
More publicity for The Miz as WWE Champion with a "Page 2" article at ESPN.com. The article talks about Miz's rise to stardom and includes some comments below:

"When fans think WWE, I don't want them to think Hulk Hogan or The Rock or Stone Cold Steve Austin or John Cena -- I want them to think of The Miz," he said. "I want to be on every show. When we need a guy to do Conanor Jimmy Kimmel, I want them to call me. I wanna be on the cover of all the video games. I want it all."


A Blissful Ass
11-25-2010, 12:30 AM
What a Douche bag not only is he a sucky champ but he's on his own dick

11-25-2010, 12:35 AM
He has drive and ambition. I like that

The ShowOff
11-25-2010, 12:54 AM
What a Douche bag not only is he a sucky champ but he's on his own dick

Sucky Champion??? Have you even seen him as Champion yet? Also I am sure this is in kayfabe anyway like most interviews are :no:

11-25-2010, 12:56 AM
What a Douche bag not only is he a sucky champ but he's on his own dick

... He's been champ for three days and hasn't even been on TV since winning it, how in the world is he a "sucky champ"?

And he is a heel, ya know. Kinda exactly how he's supposed to be acting...

11-25-2010, 03:24 AM
Some people I swear...

A Blissful Ass
11-25-2010, 06:23 AM
Well, i was stating from his reign as US Champion & i found him tiresome & pretty boring,Thank god Daniel Bryan saved the US Championship.

11-25-2010, 10:06 AM
I gave up watching wrestling long before Miz was even around, I have only caught snippets of him and he makes me cringe, I just dont find him watchable, I find him a total wanker whereas I find Christian watchable, I find he can pull off the character better .. I seriously would rather watch paint dry, yes he is a heel but I find him taking it too far

Thats from a non wrestling watcher

Kenpachi Zaraki
11-25-2010, 10:43 AM
What a Douche bag not only is he a sucky champ but he's on his own dick

Being ambitious is being a D-Bag? Tehn I guess 90% of the world is a D-Bag. Sure most people find him annoying (myself included) but gotta appreciate his drive

11-25-2010, 12:23 PM
It's comments that seem to be in character, cocky heel who makes out he's the best in the world period.

Week earlier Rowdy Roddy Piper telling John Cena if he lets Barret win the WWE Title before he's paid his dues then he'll be spitting in the face of anyone who's ever gone beforehand.

Only for Vince/Creative to give it to The Miz instead. Oh how ironic.

11-26-2010, 06:51 AM
I realize that he's probably in character when he was quoted, but this is too over the top even for him. Let your actions show what things will bring, but I don't see him as a champion for long. Maybe this will set up a feud for Morrison to get some more rub.

11-26-2010, 08:32 AM
Hopfully he's a tentative thing & will disappear in years. But just like any new champion that gets the belt, I hope he'll be the one to finally change the look of the WWE title.

11-26-2010, 10:01 AM
miz is awesome .lol

11-26-2010, 03:33 PM
I realize that he's probably in character when he was quoted, but this is too over the top even for him. Let your actions show what things will bring, but I don't see him as a champion for long. Maybe this will set up a feud for Morrison to get some more rub.

That would be the best scenario I reckon.

Have Miz drop the title by then and go into 'Mania in a straight up grudge match with Morrison. Morrison getting the win and it being a big deal that he's beat a former champion and thus confirming the (hopefully) King Of The Ring as a solid main eventer and future champion :)

11-26-2010, 05:26 PM
miz should definently drop the title because i dont think miz is become the main eventer at wrestlemania .

11-26-2010, 09:29 PM
miz should definently drop the title because i dont think miz is become the main eventer at wrestlemania .

No where near, debatable whether he's even main event standard at all currently. I think not personally.

11-28-2010, 06:43 AM
Yea I know that's his gimmick etc but he annoys the shit out of me I mean Drew McIntyre if/was a heel I'd still like him but he's just rather boring and it's a shock win and WWE's taking a leap but who knows he could break through and do something big!

A Blissful Ass
11-28-2010, 09:08 AM
Yea I know that's his gimmick etc but he annoys the shit out of me
He annoyes the shit outta me too

11-28-2010, 09:15 AM
OK...! can u name any of the match which you can mention as classic...? Any single match which last for more than 15 minutes? Any match where he bleed, survived in tough submission holds, took chairs on his head, rubbed on steel cage walls, showed number of deadly moves like morrison or rey mysterio etc?? Just talking on mic may lead you to a good VJ but sorry....WRESTLING is something where you have to fight....even with drama and MIZ sucks in that...believe it or not !

11-28-2010, 05:02 PM
Opinions aside, Konan how the hell can you go from saying he's awesome in one breath, to bashing him in the next? At least have one opinion and stick with it will ya?

11-28-2010, 05:38 PM
mind changed lol. actually i really ask miz is awesome at 1 point Miz is great on the Mic, brings allot charisma to the ring, something people like Dolph Ziggler lack. It seems to me that change is in the air at WWE, and i'm liking it.but main eventer in ppvs mind dosent accept that .pheraps he will great but lets see.

11-28-2010, 06:45 PM
Fair enough. I was just really confused by your posts in here lol.

11-28-2010, 07:29 PM
hmm better way to discuss more in posts/:think:

11-30-2010, 07:54 AM
I truly have no emotions towards his title win because I have been expecting it since Wrestlemania. There is no reason for me to hyped or angry if I truly know that its going to happen. My complaint is that it didn't happen on the PPV, instead they make Wade look weak two nights in a row.