View Full Version : Report from the First Appearance on Juan Cena

11-29-2010, 04:06 AM
The Miz (w/Alex Riley) defeated Wade Barrett and Juan Cena to retain the WWE Championship. The Champ came out first with Alex Riley. Miz cut a nice promo about living his dreams, etc. Barrett was out next with MAJOR heat. Then came Juan Cena to the biggest pop of the event by far! Cena was wearing a purple mask that matched his hat and shirt (and those of you going to Monday Night Raw should look for the new JUAN Cena masks at the souvenir stands lol).

Cena did a funny bit where he gave Barret and Miz a Five Knuckle Shuffle simultaneously (so I guess that would be a TEN Knuckle Shuffle!). Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment on Barrett, then Alex Riley pulled Cena from the ring, allowing Miz to sneak in and get the pin. Afterward, Miz and Riley got the AA from Cena to send the crowd home happy.

Cena never came out at any point in the show to set up the whole Juan Cena thing (and the group of us sitting together thought the same thing about having Darren Young do some of the Juan Cena stuff too!)...so he just came out to the Cena music, did the same moves, etc. There was not a whole lot of creativity to it.

About 3,500 people in attendance...nice crowd for a Sunday afternoon!


For the House Show Results


11-29-2010, 04:08 AM

This might be funny! :P

Thanx for posting Travis!

11-29-2010, 04:09 AM
Result link posted.