View Full Version : WWE House Show Results with Juan Cena's 1st Appearance

11-29-2010, 04:08 AM
Thanks to Brian Baull and prowrestling.net for the following report:

1. Mark Henry defeated Alex Riley. Henry won when he caught Riley off the top rope and into the World's Strongest Slam for the pin.

Mark Henry Henry is attacked by Nexus (minus Wade Barrett), who then cut a promo challenging any team to face off for the tag belts...challenge answered!

2. Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater defeated Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov to retain the WWE Tag Titles. Gabriel hit the 450 Splash for the win...the usual comedy stuff from Santino, including The Cobra.

3. Jackson Andrews defeated Goldust. Nice little pop for Goldust, and ZERO reaction for Andrews (to be honest, none of us in my group of diehard fans knew who the hell he was anyway!), who looks like a smaller version of Matt Morgan. The crowd was flat for the match, which Andrews won with a clothesline.

3. Natalya defeated Alicia Fox to retain the WWE Diva's Championship. Nice pop for Natalya's entrance. She won with the Sharpshooter. A little longer than the typical Diva matches on TV, but just as mediocre.

4. Daniel Bryan defeated Ted DiBiase (w/Maryse) to retain the United States Championship. Ted had some heat with crowd for calling them names and saying he didn't tap out. Bryan made him tap out again to Lebell Lock.


5. R-Truth beat Zack Ryder. The announcer said he got a text from the "Anonymous Raw general manager" that there should be a dance-off between the two, which R-Truth won easily (PLEASE don't ever let me have to see Zack Ryder dance again! In the words of Ron Simmons...DAMN!)...R-Truth won the match with a roll up pin.

6. Sheamus over John Morrison. Nice heat for Sheamus, nice pop for Morrison. This was probably the best match of the night with lot of near falls and false finishes. Sheamus won with the Brough Kick.

7. The Miz (w/Alex Riley) defeated Wade Barrett and Juan Cena to retain the WWE Championship. The Champ came out first with Alex Riley. Miz cut a nice promo about living his dreams, etc. Barrett was out next with MAJOR heat. Then came Juan Cena to the biggest pop of the event by far! Cena was wearing a purple mask that matched his hat and shirt (and those of you going to Monday Night Raw should look for the new JUAN Cena masks at the souvenir stands lol).

Cena did a funny bit where he gave Barret and Miz a Five Knuckle Shuffle simultaneously (so I guess that would be a TEN Knuckle Shuffle!). Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment on Barrett, then Alex Riley pulled Cena from the ring, allowing Miz to sneak in and get the pin. Afterward, Miz and Riley got the AA from Cena to send the crowd home happy.

Cena never came out at any point in the show to set up the whole Juan Cena thing (and the group of us sitting together thought the same thing about having Darren Young do some of the Juan Cena stuff too!)...so he just came out to the Cena music, did the same moves, etc. There was not a whole lot of creativity to it.

About 3,500 people in attendance...nice crowd for a Sunday afternoon!

Loudest Pops:
Juan Cena (hands down)
John Morrison

Most Heat:
Wade Barrett
Miz (although there were a good deal of cheers in there too!)
