View Full Version : WWE Superstars Report for December 2nd, 2010

12-03-2010, 03:37 AM
We start off with the Smackdown brand and your announcers are Matt Striker and Todd Grisham.

Match Number One: Tyler Reks versus Trent Barreta

Curt Hawkins comes to the ring before the match starts and he is going to watch things from the announce table.

Tyler throws Trent into the corner but he avoids Tyler’s charge into the corner. Trent with a side head lock but Tyler with a shoulder tackle. Tyler tries for a slam but Trent with a European uppercut but it has no effect. Tyler with a kick to the midsection followed by a forearm and punches. Trent with a running back elbow that takes Tyler to the mat and Trent follows that with a senton splash and he gets a near fall. Trent with a European uppercut and side head lock take down. Tyler backs Trent into the corner and he connects with shoulders. Tyler with a forearm to Trent and then he kicks him. Tyler with an elbow to the upper chest.

Trent slides into the corner on an Irish whip and he gets a drop kick for a near fall. Tyler with a head butt to the midsection followed by a forearm and slam. Tyler misses a knee drop and Trent with a rana and then he clotheslines Tyler over the top rope to the floor. Trent with an Asai Moonsault onto Tyler and both men are down.

They return to the ring and Trent gets a near fall. Tyler runs Trent into the corner and then he kicks Trent before the referee warns him. Tyler with a short arm clothesline and he gets a near fall. Trent with an elbow to the head but Tyler with a hot shot and we go to commercial.

We are back and Tyler with a forearm to the back followed by a gourdbuster and Tyler gets a near fall. Tyler with a bearhug on Trent and Trent tries to figure out how to get out of the hold. Tyler with an Irish whip and then he connects with a forearm across the chest and gets a near fall. Tyler with a forearm across the back and then he returns to the bear hug. Trent escapes and he connects with a European uppercut and then Tyler hits a modified Dominator and gets a near fall.

Trent with a slingshot rollup and he gets a near fall. Tyler with a kick and he tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Trent with an enzuigiri and then he hits a running back elbow into the corner followed by a flying knee for a near fall. Trent signals for the Tornado DDT but Reks blocks it and he stomps on Trent’s midsection. Trent is catapulted by he is able to go to the apron and he hits a springboard drop kick to the back and Trent gets a near fall.

Trent with punches in the corner and the referee warns him. Trent is hot shotted onto the turnbuckles and Tyler hits the Burning Hammer for the three count.

Winner: Tyler Reks

It is time to see who became the newest breakout Diva on NXT. We see Kaitlyn’s victory in the competition.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Raw portion of the broadcast. Your announcers are Scott Stanford and ‘Mr. Men’s Wearhouse’ CM Punk.

Match Number Two: Darren Young versus William Regal

They lock up and Young with an arm bar. Regal with a wrist lock but Young rolls through and he takes Regal to the mat. Young with a side head lock and Regal with a rollup for a near fall. Regal takes Young to the mat and he puts Young in a wrist lock. Young with a waist lock but Regal with a take down and he stays with the wrist. Young with a side head lock and shoulder tackle for a near fall. Young returns to the side head lock and Regal backs Young into the corner. Regal with a shoulder followed by a European uppercut. Regal with an Irish whip but Young with an elbow. Regal responds with a forearm to Young and he follows with an elbow drop for a near fall. Regal rubs his forearm across Young’s face. Regal with knees to the head and then he face washes Young.

Young with forearms and he connects with European uppercuts against the European wrestler. Young with kicks and a suplex for a near fall. Young with a flying forearm for a near fall. Regal backs into the corner and then Young punches Regal but Regal pushes Young away. Regal sends Young shoulder first into the ring post. Regal with the Regal Stretch and Young submits.

Winner: William Regal

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we take a look at what happened three weeks ago when Tyson Kidd first turned his back on David Hart Smith.

Match Number Three: Tyson Kidd versus David Hart Smith in a Hart Dynasty Dysfunction Match

They lock up and Smith uses his size advantage to push Kidd into the corner. Smith yells at Kidd and Kidd backs away from Smith. Kidd with a waist lock but Smith works on the shoulder. Kidd yells at Smith and he tries to kicks Smith but Smith blocks it and he connects with a forearm. Smith kicks and punches Kidd and then he kicks Kidd in the corner. Smith with an Irish whip and he runs into an elbow. Smith with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex and then he clotheslines Kidd over the top rope to the floor.

Smith goes to the floor and he slams Kidd’s head into the apron. Smith presses Kidd over his head and sends Kidd back into the ring through the ropes. Smith with a European uppercut and then he connects with a forearm across the chest. Smith with a European uppercut followed by an Irish whip and a running clothesline into the corner. Smith with shoulders in the corner and then he hits another running clothesline into the corner. Smith with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner. Kidd with an enzuigiri that sends Smith to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Kidd with a reverse chin lock on Smith and Smith with elbows and punches to get out of the hold. Smith runs Kidd into the turnbuckles and then he tries to give Kidd a power slam but Kidd escapes and he hits a back heel kick followed by a drop kick to the head for a near fall. Kidd with an elbow to the head and he puts Smith in a reverse chin lock. While Kidd has Smith in the hold, he talks about theories to explain the Hart family and he mentions Indian burial grounds and radioactive materials.

Smith and Kidd each hit clotheslines and both are down. Kidd tries for a punch but Smith blocks it and he punches Kidd. Smith with a clothesline and a boot to the head. Smith with a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Smith with a leg drop for a near fall. Kidd sends Smith to the floor and Kidd tries to recover while Smith is on the floor. Kidd tries for a baseball slide but Smith blocks it and he slams Kidd’s head into the apron. Smith with a delayed vertical suplex but Kidd lands on the apron and he stomps on Smith’s hand. Smith with a power slam on the floor.

Smith gets a near fall on Kidd when they return to the ring. Smith tries for the Sharpshooter but Kidd gets to the ropes and he kicks Smith. Kidd with a swinging fisherman’s neck breaker but he can only get a near fall. Kidd tries for the Sharpshooter and he applies it. Smith fights to get to the ropes or escape the hold. Smith works his way closer to the ropes but he cannot get there. Smith fights with all of his remaining strength to get to the ropes.

Kidd tries for the slingshot leg drop onto the apron but Smith moves out of the way. Kidd drops Smith on the top rope and then he tries for a slingshot sunset flip but Smith maintains his balance and drops down and gets the three count.

Winner: David Hart Smith

After the match, Smith wants to shake Kidd’s hand while Punk gives his advice and it appears that Kidd heard Punk and he slaps Smith and leaves the ring.

We go to credits.