View Full Version : Ross On WWE Return

12-04-2010, 01:00 PM
During an interview with Monday Night Mayhem, Jim Ross was asked whether he would consider return to WWE on a full-time basis if Vince McMahon approached him. His response:

"Of course. I'm open to doing anything for the company that has employed me since 1993 wants me to do. I get e-mails almost everyday from people wondering if I even have a job or why did we take myself off the air, or why are refusing to go back on TV. Things are so misguided, and they're so inaccurate. I am very happily employed by WWE. I'm very pleased to be with the company since '93, and obviously if I'm 'out in the bullpen,' and they need me to come in and play, I'll be more than happy to come out of the bullpen and go work. And if there's another area that the company needs for me to help in, I'll be more than willing to do that."

Full interview available here (http://www.mondaynightmayhem.com/).

Source - NoDQ

12-05-2010, 06:37 PM
if there is a god i wish he would kick vinces ass for taking him of the air and making ue listen to cole every week.

12-05-2010, 09:42 PM
please bring him back and fire cole's ass god he is so stupid