View Full Version : Former NWA Champion Asks For His Release From TNA

08-18-2006, 09:26 PM
Credit: Wrestling Observer

While it is known that Monty Brown gave word he was quitting Sunday and asked for his release on Monday before the tapings, Ron Killings also apparently asked Terry Taylor for his release backstage. The feeling with Ron Killings is that it is well known that he's been unhappy with his place in the company for a while as he always seems to have a popular feud going and the company can not capitalize on it or refuses to and thus, puts him back on Xplosion. Taylor tried to talk Killings out of leaving and at this point nothing is decided though many believe it won't be long before Killings leaves.

On a related note, WWE has been thinking about bringing back the Too Cool stable with Brian Lawler (Grandmaster Sexay) & Rikishi as well as adding Ron Killings to the team if at all possible. Brian Lawler was backstage recently at the show in Memphis, TN and talked to John Laurinaitis about coming back, though nothing more has been mentioned involving his name. WWE did express interest in Killings, but due to his current contract, nothing has happened. With Killings being visibly upset and asking for his release now, a return to WWE is very likely.

The Crony
08-21-2006, 03:26 AM
Phhhh. If WWE really wants to bring back Too Cool they can easily fill their "Dancing black guy" quota without calling up TNA's sloppy seconds. Here's how.
Vince gets on a bus, goes to Harlem, and throws a rock.
"Hey! I found one!"
Done deal.

08-21-2006, 05:00 AM
Ron Killings Sucked The 1st Time In Wwf/wwe & K-quick & Still Sucked In Tna & Should Of Never....ever...had The Nwa Title!!!!