View Full Version : LayCool Are Boring Now~!

12-12-2010, 10:34 AM
Ever since WWE took the Divas belts off LayCool, I really have lost hope in their gimmick (And them) in ever becomming a main eventer again. It's a shame to see them pushed back onto Smackdown, because I appreciated their antics on Raw (Such as commentary and the odd matches). I can only hope that WWE split the pairing up as this is the only way in which they can be entertaining again.

Kenpachi Zaraki
12-12-2010, 11:24 AM
they were never entertaining in the 1st place

Black Widow
12-12-2010, 12:44 PM
with or without the belts Lay Cool still suck, they have never been entertaining. they have only ever been irritating and annoying and their screechy voices are the worst they should never be given a live microphone. shame their pushed back i think its a fricking godsend that they have been. i dont want to see them with titles for a long time. give give much more talented divas like nattie, gail kim, kelly a chance McCool and Layla together are awful id much prefer Layla to screw McCool and go solo since i prefer Layla especially if she drops that annoying fake accent

12-12-2010, 01:35 PM
The only time I found them entertaining where when they where beaten up by Mae Young :P

12-12-2010, 02:20 PM
Now? They've been boring all year mate.

Ever since the "Piggie James" stuff they just cam over as cringeworthy, teenage high school crap I have no interest in.

McCool is bland as shit in the ring yet for some reason is viewed as one of their best Divas whilst Layla is clearly still learning the ropes.

12-12-2010, 03:38 PM
OK... real talk! You guys aren't seeing clearly. I disagree with John because I find them still very entertaining without the title which is good so that they could slip in and out of the title division whenever they want. And I disagree with everyone else because Lay-Cool are great, they're so over on the mic with their amazing mic skills and even though Michelle is decent in the ring, Layla has improved tremendously but I guess since you all hate them you just skip their matches. They just need to spend their time feuding with Beth Phoenix and other SmackDown! Divas until they're good for another divas title run (with Layla as recognized champion).

Kenpachi Zaraki
12-12-2010, 07:43 PM
they're not over the crowd goes dead when they start talking

12-14-2010, 03:28 AM
They have always been nothing but pathetic, you would find more mature people in a Kindergarten, WWE should shoot themselves for such pathetic roles

12-14-2010, 07:55 AM
Can't stand listening to them. Ahhh

12-14-2010, 06:22 PM
Since Layla stopped shaking her great ass, Ive lost intrest. They are boring as all hell, they are decent in the ring, but when a mic gets in there hands its like a sleeping pill

12-14-2010, 07:06 PM
they've always been boring to me because neither of them really have a personality and TNA was doing it better with TBP.

12-14-2010, 10:25 PM
TBP Are much better imo and they've bored me since day one :P let's hope they break up soon so something interesting could happen :)

12-14-2010, 10:49 PM
I <3 LayCool.