View Full Version : ROH on HDNet Report for December 13th, 2010

12-14-2010, 06:39 AM
We open this week's show with Jim Cornette in the ring introducing the challenger for the ROH World Title this weekend at Final Battle, Davey Richards. Cornette talks about Davey's schedule this weekend, teaming with Eddie Edwards to challenge the Kings Of Wrestling for the ROH World Tag Team Title in Plymouth on Friday before going on to challenge Roderick Strong for the ROH World Title on Saturday at Final Battle. Davey says it's true that he and Eddie aren't going to be tagging up anymore after Plymouth, but that doesn't mean the American Wolves are done because they are Ring Of Honor, and they are there for all the fans. But the reality is that Eddie is a singles champion and needs to concentrate on the TV Title and he needs to focus on the TV Title. As for Davey, he's won championships from high school to college all the way up to his professional career, and Roderick Strong is in his crosshairs. Strong doesn't need Truth Martini because Davey will tell him the truth, and the truth is that he's coming for Roderick at Final Battle and he's going to get in the ring, look him in the eye, and tell him that he's going to dominate him and Davey Richards will walk out as the World Champion. Davey says he's always given it to people straight and he's going to give his true thoughts on Truth Martini: he's a piece of s***. Davey says he always used to have so much respect for Roderick, but now he's got Truth Martini there and he doesn't know or care if Roderick knows he's interfering in his matches, and maybe all he cares about is keeping that belt around his waist. Roderick Strong suddenly comes out of the back and goes eye to eye with Davey, and he says that he sounds just like everyone in the back, and he doesn't care about any other titles Davey has ever won, the only thing he cares about is the ROH World Title. He tells Davey that everyone wants to put the blame on Truth Martini and nobody wants to give him the credit he deserves for winning the title and beating everyone in his path. He tells Davey that he knows him and he knows he wouldn't be okay with Truth Martini interfering in his matches, and if he knew that he was, he'd hand Davey the title himself. Truth Martini cuts in and says that the Book of Truth says that the less people make such statements, the less they can look foolish in retrospect. Roderick tells Davey that at Final Battle, he doesn't have to worry about anybody but him because he'll beat Davey and break him, and when he wakes up the next day, he wants to know how it feels to fail at his destiny and how it feels to let the ROH fans down. And how's it going to feel to let down his dead grandfather? That's the straw that broke the camel's back, and Davey goes after Roderick, who bails to the floor and hightails it up the ramp.

Cue the opening video, and then Mike and Dave welcome us to the show and start plugging this weekend's events in Plymouth and New York. Also, tonight's main event will see Roderick Strong take on Austin Aries! Oh, and next week we'll see the Holiday Gauntlet, as eight men compete in a Gauntlet Match with the winner receiving $10,000.

We go to a repeat of last week's video package with comments from Daizee Haze and Sara Del Rey leading into their tag match at Final Battle, and then it's off to the ring for our opening match!

Daizee Haze vs Taeler Hendrix

Daizee with a go behind right off the bat and she takes Hendrix down with a waistlock. Hendrix escapes and goes to a wristlock but Daizee with a series of chops and then trips Hendrix's legs out from under her and goes to a side headlock. Hendrix tries a headscissors but Daizee slips out and kicks Hendrix right in the face, then takes her to the corner and rams shoulderblocks into the corner. Daizee charges Hendrix but Hendrix gets the boot up and gets a rollup for 2. Hendrix with a vertical suplex attempt but Daizee blocks and reverses to a suplex of her own for 2. Daizee with a Northern Lights Suplex for 2 and then Hendrix starts firing back with forearms and kicks, but Daizee catches the boot on a spinkick and takes her down, catching Hendrix in a Muta Lock. Hendrix makes the ropes and Daizee goes for the heart punch but Hendrix fights her way out so Daizee gets a German Suplex instead and that gets three.

Winner: Taeler Hendrix

Solid match, and Daizee looked a little more aggressive in this one than I'm used to seeing.

We go backstage to the Briscoes and Papa Briscoe, and Jay says that finally their war with the Kings Of Wrestling will come to an end at Final Battle, but the KOW crossed the line when they attacked Papa Briscoe. Papa Briscoe has been whipping their asses since they were little and did it to make them better men, and now he's going to show the KOW and Shane Hagadorn how to be a man. Papa Briscoe says the boys can handle the Kings Of Wrestling, but then he calls Hagadorn a peckerhead again and says he'll be damned if he's going to let him kick his boys in the balls. At Final Battle, it's him and Hagadorn and he says to man up.

We're back in the ring and it's time for our next match...

Kevin Steen vs Kory Chavis

Steen grabs Generico's mask out of Steve Corino's hands and spits on it before the match. Steen attacks Chavis from behind before the bell and they trade blows until Steen nails Chavis with a pair of shoulderblocks, but neither moves. Steen ducks a clothesline but Chavis catches him with a dropkick, then tries to whip Steen into the ropes but Steen holds the ropes and gives Chavis a hotshot and a pump handle neckbreaker. Steen with a snapmare and a diving elbow to the back of Chavis and the somersault legdrop. Steen takes a good long time to look into the camera and make threats to Generico before going back and covering for 2. Steen chokes Chavis with his boot, makes more threats to Generico, and Chavis took the opening to fire a few shots at Steen's midsection but Steen puts him back down with a knee to the midsection before grabbing Generico's mask, spitting on it again, then tried to put it on Chavis. Chavis shoved him off and whips Steen into the ropes and catches him with a back elbow, then a Blue Thunder Driver for 2. Chavis charges Steen in the corner and eats Steen's elbow as well as a superkick, but Steen comes off the ropes now right into a Sky High from Chavis for 2. Chavis goes for a fireman's carry but Steen slips out, pops Chavis WAY up in the air for a powerbomb, then hits an F5 and the Package Piledriver and that's all she wrote.

Winner: Kevin Steen

As Steen walks to the back, he holds up Generico's mask and tells the camera to say goodbye to your favorite generic luchador.

We then go to an awesome video package hyping the Steen/Generico match at Final Battle, in the fashion of a classic old-style movie trailer, that promised the final end of the Steen-Generico war this weekend.

Back to the ring...

ROH World Champion Roderick Strong vs Austin Aries

Speaking of final battles, this will be the final meeting between these two guys, whose history goes back six and a half years to their time in Generation Next and run as ROH World Tag Team Champions, as well as their subsequent feud in 2007 that reignited earlier this year when both were chasing Tyler Black for the ROH World Title. Aries extends his hand to Roderick and Roderick shakes it as they look each other in the eye. Tieup to start and they do a standard wristlock/reversal/escape sequence that ends in a stalemate, then a go-behind/takedown/reversal/escape sequence that again ends in a stalemate. Roderick with a headlock, Aries shoots him into the ropes, Roderick takes him down with a shoulderblock but Aries with a pair of armdrags and Roderick takes him down and gets a headscissors, but you know how that turns out in Austin Aries matches. Aries works Strong over in the corner with hard forearms and whips him into the ropes for a back elbow, then comes off the ropes with a leaping elbow for 2. Strong with a knee to the gut and cracks Aries with a few chops, then slams Aries and hits an elbowdrop for 1. Aries reverses a whip into the corner but gets backdropped to the apron and then leaps back in with a back elbow and dishes out some chops of his own. Strong ducks under the bottom rope but Aries goes right after him with a double axhandle off the top rope and slams Strong into the guardrail, then goes back to the top rope for a second axhandle. Aries and Strong continue to fight it out on the floor but Aries gets the upper hand and sends Strong back in, and follows with a rolling senton for 2. Strong bails back out to the floor and Aries goes after him, leading to another slugfest, and Strong beats him back in the ring but Aries with a shoulderblock ot the ribs and tries to suplex Strong to the floor and they fight over the suplex and Strong gets him up, but Aries comes down behind him and tries an O'Connor Roll, Strong reverses but Aries ducks and Strong sails out to the floor. Aries goes for the heat-seeking missile but Truth Martini grabs his ankle from the floor so Aries pulls him up on the apron and decks him. Strong makes it back in just in time to miss Truth Martini's interference and hit Aries with a leg lariat for 2, and then a vertical suplex for another 2 and then he goes to a chinlock. Aries elbows out of the hold so Strong rams Aries to the corner and opens up with more chops. Strong takes his time taunting the crowd and tries a charge in the corner but Aries leapfrogs him and gets a rollup for 2. Aries with a front facelock but Strong just lifts him up and tosses him across the ring and then catches Aries in an inverted bearhug. Aries makes it to his feet so Strong converts to a standard bearhug and Aries claps Strong's ears several times to get the break, but comes off the ropes right into a knee to the ribs and Aries goes down again. Strong with a nasty back suplex for 2, but Aries starts firing back with forearms and comes off the ropes, Strong pops him up for the butbuster but Aries counters to a DDT and the tide has turned. Strong and Aries exchange blows in the ring with Aries getting the upper hand and then wiping Strong out with a clothesline. Strong backdrops Aries to the apron but Aries shoulderblocks the ribs, rams him into the top turnbuckle, then snaps his head down on the top rope and comes right back in with the twisting bodypress over the top rope for 2. Aries with a Lionsault for another 2, but Strong rams Aries to the corner and sets him up top. Aries and Strong duke it out on the top rope and Aries knocks Strong into the ring and nails him with a missile dropkick that sends Strong into the far corner, and Aries follows right up with the dropkick in the corner for 2 and goes right into the Last Chancery. It turns into a cradle and I'm not sure whose shoulders were down, but it was only 2 so it doesn't matter. Strong with an enziguiri and a leaping knee for 2, then puts Aries up top, gives him a leaping enziguiri, and delivers a side backbreaker on the top turnbuckle, but that only gets 2. Strong goes for the Stronghold but Aries reverses to a cradle for 2 and Strong comes right back with a gutbuster for 2. They trade blows yet again and Strong tries for a uranage suplex but Aries counters to the crucifix bomb and brainbuster for 2. Aries goes up and hits the 450 splash but Strong grabs the bottom rope at 2 so Aries pulls him out to the middle of the ring and goes for a fireman's carry but Strong slips out and rolls Aries up for 2 and then immediately hits an enzigiuri and the Gibson Driver for 2. He tries the Stronghold again but Aries counters to a rollup for 2, then hits the kick to the head and tries another brainbuster but Strong counters to a vertical suplex into a backbreaker and hits the Sick Kick for the win.

Winner: Roderick Strong

Outstanding match, Aries looked a lot more motivated than he had in a long time and thes two always have great matches anyway. Bummer that this was the last time we were going to see this match in an ROH ring, but nothing lasts forever, I guess.

Finally, we wrap up this week's episode with a dramatic, movie trailer-esque video package hyping all the matches at Final Battle. Excellent go home episode to put the finishing touches on the hype for this weekend's event. Terrific build, and I'm really looking forward to this weekend more than I have any other wrestling show in a good long while now.

Speaking of which, I will be in Plymouth on Friday night doing live coverage of that event, and Mike Johnson and myself will both be on hand in New York City for Final Battle. If you want to watch Final Battle on your computer this Saturday night, go check out www.gofightlive.tv for ordering information.