View Full Version : Ultimate Edition 2.8 Lite is Based on Lubuntu 10.1

12-15-2010, 12:02 AM

Ultimate Edition 2.8 Lite has been released. As the name implies, this version is intended as a light-weight alternative to the graphics-heavy Ultimate Edition. In many ways it is the antithesis of regular Ultimate Edition releases since the emphasis is on taking stuff out not cramming in as much stuff as you can in Ubuntu.

"Ultimate Edition 2.8 lite is dedicated to those with low system resources, it is also lightning fast on machines that have the resources. There are no bells and whistles here, no office, no compiz; just the pure essentials," TheeMahn, Ultimate Edition's creator, announced. (http://ultimateedition.info/ultimate_edition/ultimate-edition-2-8-lite/)

"Ultimate Edition 2.8 lite was built off Lubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat updated and upgraded, which is based on the LXDE environment. Many applications were ripped from the operating system before I even started to build. This is 'lite' there will not be a 64 bit edition," he explained.

Ultimate Edition 2.8 Lite is built on Lubuntu 10.10 but it has been stripped down even more. Some packages that aren't crucial have been removed to keep things as light as possible.

These are the packages removed in Ultimate Edition 2.8 Lite:

· Abiword;
· Ace-of-penguins;
· LXTerminal;
· Leafpad;
· Aqualung;
· Gnumeric;
· Elementary icon theme;
· Lubuntu icon theme;
· MPlayer;
· Chromium;
· xPad;
· Cheese;
· Hardinfo
· Simple Scan;
· Osmo.

There are some obvious choices, office packages like Abiword and Gnumeric, but also some curious moves such as replacing Chromium with the bloated Firefox or the lighweight Leafpad with Gedit, which requires the GNOME libraries. The default, professional, icon themes probably didn't really add a lot of 'weight' either.

About Ultimate Edition

Created by TheeMahn, Ultimate Edition is a Linux distribution based on the popular Ubuntu operating system. It comes bundled with a lot more apps and tools than Ubuntu and it also has a very unique and somewhat over-the-top visual style.

Ultimate Edition was previously known as Ubuntu Ultimate, but started life as Ubuntu Christmas Edition. There is also a specialized version, the Ultimate Edition Gamers, which includes all the applications from the Ultimate Edition and many Linux games, and now a lightweight version.
