View Full Version : Lots of DGUSA News and Notes

12-20-2010, 11:01 PM
As they close out their 2010, Dragon Gate USA announced that they have hired new production and merchandise designers for the company and will also be running an increased number of live events next year.

The promotion also announced that they would not to be raising any ticket prices next year.

"Untouchable 2010" and "Way Of The Ronin" DVDs, the final two events Daniel Bryan appeared for the promotion before returning full-time to WWE, are currently available for pre-order with a planned release in January. Untouchable features Bryan vs. YAMATO while Ronin features Bryan vs. Jon Moxley. Gabe Sapolsky has been heavily praising the Moxley bout.

DGUSA issued the following....The 2-Pack DVD Deals are back!!! You don't have to wait for sales with DGUSA. Our DVDs are always available at a discount with our 2-Pack DVD Deals. Just use the first item listed in the DVD section of the Store or call 267-519-9744 to take advantage. "Enter The Dragon" with the Bryan Danielson vs. Shingo match of the year candidate is now available in 2-Packs for the first time. For more, visit www.dgusa.tv.

The promotion is extremely happy with the early sales of the NYC debut and the Atlanta events.