View Full Version : Hypnotist warms up workers

12-25-2010, 12:55 PM
A cobbler who won't buy heaters for his freezing staff has had them hypnotised into thinking they're warm.

Martin Connellan bought coats for the lads in his workshop after temperatures plunged to -13°C, reports The Sun.

But with doors left constantly open to clear solvent fumes, the workers were still left shivering in the snow.

But after a five-minute session with hypnotist James Kerwin they have reportedly been stripping down to shorts and T-shirts.

Worker Adam Hood, 27, said: "I definitely feel much hotter than I was. All my life I've had cold hands and that's even gone now. It's crazy how you can go from one extreme to the other like that."

Mr Connellan, who runs the workshop in Bromsgrove, Worcs, said: "The lads were all complaining because I like to keep the doors open.

"I bought them all jackets but they were still moaning so this was the last resort.

"I am a very sceptical person so I didn't think it would work - but soon they were complaining about how hot they were."

Mr Kerwin, of Studley, Warwicks, said: "It's all about mind over matter. It's a case of reprogramming people like you would a computer.

"You can retrain people into thinking differently about how they feel. It seems to have done the trick."

Source - Yahoo.