View Full Version : China: The Next Superpower?

12-26-2010, 06:09 PM
China is rapidly becomming the biggest country in the World (In terms of Technology and trade) and could be the next superpower. With a population that's far bigger than anywhere else (They have 19.5% of the world's population), they are undoubtedly a major player in todays world. With America's economy collapsing, will China overtaker the USA and become the next superpower?

As a nation, people living in the UK and the USA are overall richer than those that live in China, but collectively we are poorer. But the rate that China are expanding their knowledge on technology is mind-boggling.

A Superpower is a country that can change or influence events that go on within the world, which China will definitely be if they go at this rate, in my opinion. Thoughts on the future and whether China will be the next superpower?