View Full Version : Invasion Threat As 14,000 Flee Ivory Coast

12-26-2010, 08:21 PM
Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo is facing renewed international pressure to quit or "face force", as thousands of Ivorians flee the chaos of their homeland.

In a sign of mounting determination to force Mr Gbagbo out, three leaders of the West African regional bloc Ecowas are due to fly to Ivory Coast on Tuesday.

The presidents of Benin, Sierra Leone and Cap Vert will tell Mr Gbagbo "that he must step down as quickly as possible or face legitimate military force".

Ecowas president James Victor Gbeho said the group was making "an ultimate gesture" to Mr Gbagbo to urge him to make a peaceful exit.

The 15-nation bloc made the decision at an emergency summit in Nigeria as fears mount that the dispute will rekindle a 2002-03 civil war.

Meanwhile, the UN's refugee agency said at least 14,000 people have fled Ivory Coast for neighbouring Liberia since November.

Humanitarian needs were increasing for the "mostly women and children refugees as well as for the villagers hosting them", UNHCR said on its website.

Mr Gbagbo, the incumbent president, and rival candidate Alassane Ouattara both claimed victory after the November 28 election, triggering a violent political crisis over disputed vote results.

African neighbours, the UN, the US and the European Union have all recognised Mr Ouattara as president, but Mr Gbagbo has so far resisted calls to cede power.

Diplomatic pressure and sanctions have left Mr Gbagbo increasingly isolated although he has been able to maintain his rule because of the loyalty of the military.

The UN has also expressed alarm about the actions of men who are believed to be Gbagbo loyalists.

At least 173 deaths have been confirmed in violence over the vote, and the UN is warning the number could be greater since it has been unable to investigate all the allegations.