View Full Version : Miliband: 2011 Is The Year Of Consequences

12-30-2010, 11:42 AM
Ed Miliband has dubbed 2011 the "year of consequences" as he warned in his New Year message that Government's cuts were "forbidding and unheeding".

The Labour Party leader said the speed and scale of the coalition's deficit reduction plan was "irresponsible" and would be felt by hard-working families across the country.

Mr Miliband added the cuts were "born of political choice" and "not necessity".

He said Labour's job was now to persuade voters that the party offered "a better, more optimistic future for Britain".

Mr Miliband said: "2011 will be a year of consequences for Britain... Consequences of the decision taken to reduce the deficit at what I believe to be an irresponsible pace and scale.

"Many people feel powerless in the face of these decisions that will affect their lives, families and communities.

"The political forces in Whitehall which have made these choices appear forbidding and unheeding."

The politician also criticised the axing of the Educational Maintenance Allowance and the tuition fees rise.

He said many people were worried where new jobs were going to come from in the wake of Government cuts.

Mr Miliband added: "In 2011, many people will wonder what they can do. Some will ask whether there really is an alternative to this scale of cuts.

"Still more will shrug their shoulders at casually broken promises and conclude politicians are indeed all the same.

"Labour's challenge and duty in 2011 is to be people's voice in tough times and show that these are changes born of political choice by those in power not necessity."

Mr Miliband said he was now looking to win back the electorate's trust but admitted it could not be "put right automatically".

He said Labour would be arguing for a "proper" economic strategy rather than a deficit reduction plan.

Source - Yahoo.