View Full Version : WWE Results December 30th, 2010 from East Rutherford, NJ

12-31-2010, 04:21 AM
World Wrestling Entertainment ran their final Smackdown live event of the year on Thursday 12/30 at the IZOD Center in East Rutherford, NJ. Results so far, as we are at intermission

*Kofi Kingston won a Battle Royal to earn a WWE Intercontinental championship shot at Dolph Ziggler later in the card. It came down to Drew McIntyre, Jack Swagger and Kingston. He tossed over Drew as Swagger thought he had the match won. Swagger charged Kofi and Kofi ducked, pulling down the top rope. Swagger went over the top. The finish was the same as the first ever Royal Rumble. Standard fare. Big pop for the win.

*Kelly Kelly was introduced as the guest host and the trivia deal for the bellringer for the next match.

*WWE Divas champion Natalya and Beth Phoenix defeated Layla El and Naomi. Naomi worked heel on this tour since Michelle McCool had the week off, sans TV. Big reaction from the crowd when Natalya displayed her title belt. They did the deal where the heels show off on the ropes, only to get booed and the babyfaces then outdo their reaction. Layla did some stretching to warm up, only to get chased out of the ring by Beth. The crowd was all over Layla early, chanting "You suck." Beth went after her again but Layla tried her arms and legs around the ropes and screamed. She finally tagged in Naomi. Naomi ducked a clothesline and slapped Phoenix in the back of the head. Unfazed, Phoenix tossed her into the corner, unloaded with punches, then a slam for a two count. The babyfaces nailed a double hiptoss. Naomi tagged out. She and Layla had words. Natalya controlled Layla but was cut off with a kick to the gut. Natalya leapfrogged Layla then caught her in a reverse cradle for a two. She nailed a hesitation suplex for another two count. Natalya went for another slam but Layla slipped out and used a kick to knock the champ out through the ropes. Natalya was left hanging upside down, where she was Layla stepped on her throat. Layla kicked her to the floor, where Naomi attacked. Natalya was almost counted out. Layla's heel reaction to this was hilarious as she sat on the top rope motioning to the crowd. Natalya barely made it back in, where the heels continued working on her and getting two counts. Natalya fought out of a rear chinlock but was slammed backwards to the mat by her hair by Naomi. Naomi dropped a leg for a two count. The heels kept working over Natalya as Beth argued with the referee, allowing more damage to be done. Layla, who was doing a great job working the crowd, cinched in bodyscissors on the champ. Natalya finally powered out and up to her feet. She went for a slam but her back gave out and Layla got a two count. She dragged Natalya back and tagged in Naomi, who stomped away. Natalya kicked her off and made the hot tag to Phoenix. Phoenix cleaned house but was kicked off as she went for a charge by Naomi. Naomi went for a high cross bodyblock off the middle turnbuckle only to be caught and slammed for a two count. Layla kicked Beth as she rebounded off the ropes and Naomi tossed her out. They then nailed Natalya off the apron. Kelly Kelly came to their aid and the heels doubled on her and tossed her into the ring. She was saved by the faces, who tossed Naomi out. Beth nailed the Glam Slam on Layla for the pin. Remarkably better than the Divas tag I saw on the Raw show a few days back. A really well put together match. Naomi needs work but showed promise as a heel. Layla was great here and the babyfaces all did their job well.

*Mason Ryan pinned Chavo Guerrero. Ryan looks like a younger Batista and is a developmental talent originally from Europe. There was a small chant for Chavo since the crowd didn't know Ryan. Chavo took the mic and said that he knew he was good and didn't need the fans' help in order to turn the crowd back against him. Chavo jawed with Ryan who pressed and slammed him, then nailed him with several shoulderblocks. Chavo kicked off a charge but was caught with a suplex. Ryan drilled Chavo in the corner. Chavo kicked him off and came off the ropes but was caught and tossed back onto his feet. Ryan hit a weak running boot for a two count. Chavo came back with a missile dropkick and several punches and stomps. Ryan looked green but that's exactly why he's on the tour, to be evaluated and to learn. Guerrero began working on Ryan's arm but was caught and slammed. Ryan missed an elbow and Guerrero dropkicker him. Guerrero used a catapult, sending Ryan's throat under the bottom rope. Tully Blanchard would be proud. Guerrero continued to work over Ryan, who fought his way to his feet. Guerrero cut him off and worked on him with punches, then locked in a rear naked choke. Ryan made his way to his feet and nailed a sideslam. He punched Chavo so hard Chavo bumped out of the ring and onto the apron. He tossed Guerrero back in, nailed several clotheslines and an over the shoulder powerslam for a two count. Guerrero came back with the Three Amigos but on the third, Ryan kneed him in the gut. Ryan rebounded off the ropes but was nailed with a leg lariat. Guerrero went to the top and missed the frog splash. Ryan nailed a Black Hole Slam for the pin. Match was OK but it was designed to be the veteran working with a younger guy to help him and that's what this was.

*Cody Rhodes & Drew McIntyre defeated JTG & Trent Baretta. I thought the Dashing Ones were done forever? Guess not! Rhodes took the mic and said that he was the best looking person in the Arena tonight. He pointed out someone wearing a Cody t-shirt and asked if the fans knew the difference between him and everyone else. "Absolutely nothing." He ripped on the fans and handed the mic to Drew. McIntyre said that he was wrestling Baretta, who's from New Jersey and said that Baretta's parents were here. He looked for them and then told them he was going to "kill your son tonight." JTG took the mic and ripped on Rhodes, saying he looked like the evil monkey from Family Guy. Okaaaay. JTG and Baretta controlled Cody early, tagging in and out. Drew tagged in and the crowd was on him, chanting "USA." He quickly took out Baretta and stomped the hell out of him in t he corner. Baretta kicked off a charge and used a Lucha armdrag before nailing a dropkick into the corner. Drew retreated to the floor, where he used Cody's jacket to check his face. When he returned, Drew tried to get Baretta to shake his hand but Baretta dropkicker him. Baretta and JTG nailed Drew with a flapjack for a two count. The crowd enjoyed that. Cody tagged in and nailed a kneelife to the head off the ropes for a two on JTG. Drew and Cody began doubling on JTG, tagging in and out. Solid so far. Cody stomped away at JTG. They continued working over JTG. Drew elbowed Baretta off the apron. When Baretta tried to hit the ring, the ref stopped him, allowing more destruction to be unleashed on JTG. JTG tried to sunset flip McIntyre but Cody tagged in and kicked JTG, then locked on an chinlock. Rhodes went for a bulldog but JTG shoved him off. Baretta cleaned house with a flying forearm and a big missile dropkick, sending Drew hard into the corner for a near fall. Drew came back with an overhead belly to belly suplex for a two count. Baretta came back with a leg lariat but Cody broke up the count. JTG tossed Rhodes over the top. He skinned the cat and got tossed out again. Drew tossed JTG, then pinned Baretta with the double arm DDT. Very eh.

*Rey Mysterio pinned Alberto del Rio. The crowd all leapt up for Del Rio's entrance. Del Rio grabbed a sign from ringside as he entered the ring. He asked the crowd why they hated him so much and reminded them it was Christmas season, asking them from a break. He said he was a human being just like them and had a heart just like them. He said that he knows they think he's a mean, bad man after watching him on TV but he's not, but he doesn't have to live in a dumpster like New Jersey because he lives in NYC. He said he has more money, power and class than everyone in New Jersey, especially everyone in the cheap seats. He said he shouldn't be blamed if your life and your wife is horrible. Del Rio was awesome here. Big Pop for Rey's entrance. After Rey got to the ring, Del Rio asked why there were so many signs for Rey and none for him. He said he was tired of 619 signs. He ripped up the sign he stole earlier. Mysterio took the mic and there was a huge "619" chant before he even spoke. He asked Alberto if that was really necessary and asked who's sign it was and gave the kid the shirt Rey wore to the ring. The crowd was more into this than anything else so far on the show. Del Rio wanted to shake hands at the bell but Rey wouldn't do it. Alberto dropped to his knees to be "face to face" with Rey and tried again. The crowd went nuts trying to tell Rey not to do it. Rey finally dropkicked him. It was the same deal as the previous match but WAY more over. Ret dropkicker Alberto's face in the corner and peppered him with punches. He charged Del Rio in the corner but missed, hitting his shoulder on the ringpost. Alberto went for a superplex but Rey fought him off. Rey nailed a bodypress off the top for a two count. He set up Alberto for the 619 but Del Rio bailed to the floor. Rey hit a Lou Thesz Press off the apron to the floor. Rey tossed him back in but Del Rio cut off Rey and hung him from the top rope. Del Rio kicked Rey in the face and stomped the hell out of him. He continued beating Rey on the floor as the fans tried to rally Rey. Del Rio tossed Mysterio in for a two count, then cinched in a rear chinlock. Mysterio made a comeback with a series of kicks and an enziguiri. Del Rio ended up in the 619 position but by the time Rey had recovered, Del Rio caught him with a clothesline for a two count. He cinched in a Camel Clutch. Rey fought his way out and nailed several kicks but Del Rio took him down. Rey came back with a kick to the head. They exchanged punches and kicks as they recovered to their feet. Del Rio whipped Rey into the corner and worked him over with knees to the back. He whipped Rey again and Rey crumpled to the floor. Del Rio dragged him back to the apron and place him on the top for a superplex, only to be fought off by Rey. Mysterio hit a West Coast Pop off the top for a two count. Mysterio went for a hurancanrana but was caught with a sideslam. Rey finally sent him into the ropes, nailed the 619 and a splash off the top rope in a quick flurry. Real good match. Mysterio spent a long time greeting fans around ringside after the match.

*After intermission, Chris Masters pinned Jack Swagger. Swagger attacked Masters' ankle before the bell and worked him over, only to be caught with a rollup from behind and pinned. The crowd wasn't as into the shock win as you'd think.

*WWE Intercontinental champion Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler did a lot of stalling early to try and psych out Kingston. He tried to walk out but Kingston caught up to him in the aisle and slammed him into the barricade several times. Ziggler was tossed in the ring but cut off Ziggler and stomped away at him. Kingston came back with a back elbow. He went for suplex but Ziggler kicked him in the knee and nailed a neckbreaker for a two count. Ziggler cinched in a rear chinlock and used his feet on the ropes for leverage. Kingston came back with a sunset flip and several other near fall combinations before being cut off with a superkick for a two count. Ziggler whipped out the Fargo Strut but was caught with a sunset flip for another two count. Ziggler cut him off and cinched in a side chinlock. The crowd was bigtime behind Kingston as he made his comeback. Kofo avoided a splash in the corner and began to recover, pulling himself up. He nailed several chops, a dropkick and a clothesline before hitting the Boom Drop. Kingston set up for Trouble in Paradise. Dolph ducked it and locked on the sleeper. The crowd was screaming for Kingston to escape, clapping as he finally broke free. Kingston nailed his cradle STO style finisher for a two count. Ziggler charged him and was caught with a kick to the head. Kofi went to the top but Ziggler crotched him. Ziggler went for a superplex but Kofi fought him off and sent the champ crashing to the mat. Kingston came off the top with a flying bodypress but Ziggler kicked up at the last second. Ziggler tried to drag himself out of the ring. When Kofi went after him, Ziggler thumbed him in the eye and nailed the ZigZag for the pin. Really good back and forth match. Kingston got a nice round of applause on the way out.

*World champ Edge defeated CM Punk and Edge in a Steel Cage Match. Punk was sent on this loop with Smackdown as they ran Chicago, his hometown, the day after Christmas. Punk ripped off a turnbuckle as Edge and Kane faced off. When the bell rang, he let them kill each other and scrambled up the cage. Edge grabbed his leg and Kane killed Punk with punches. Kane worked over Edge in the corner as Punk made it to the top rope and tried in vain to escape Kane walking around the top rope. He ended up between Kane and Edge. Punk tried to convince Kane to leave him alone and Edge used that to try and get over. Edge was pulled down. Kane worked him over and Punk dropkicked him while he was down. Punk turned on Kane and was punched down for his troubles. Kane ran Edge facefirst into the cage and then tossed Punk into it. Kane began climbing up but Edge attacked him with punches. Kane kicked him off, then missed a flying clothesline. Punk grabbed Edge and catapulted him into the cage but Edge caught himself and climbed up. Punk began pulling him down but saw Kane going for the door. Punk dove on Kane and pulled him in then dove for Edge and dragged him down. Kane reversed an Irish whip and sent Punk flying above the cover into the cage. Kane whipped Edge into the corner but Edge caught himself and climbed up. Punk stopped him and they battled atop the turnbuckle. Kane went underneath and grabbed Punk for a powerbomb but Punk slipped out and they battled with punches. Edge came off the top with an double clothesline. Edge sent Punk into the cage but was caught by a Kane sideslam. Kane climbed up but was pulled down. Edge spared Kane and Punk into the cage. He went to spear Kane again but was caught by the throat. He fought his way out and nailed the Implant DDT on Kane. Edge set up for the spear on Kane but Punk cut him off. Punk nailed his running knee lifts on both. He went for the GTS on Edge but Kane grabbed him and chokeslammed Punk. He then chokeslammed Edge for a two count. Kane motioned for the tombstone but Edge slipped out and speared him. Punk covered Kane for a two count. Edge speared Punk and all three were out and unable to cover anyone. Punk recovered first and began climbing to the top, slowly. Edge caught him and they battled atop the ropes. Kane joined the battle and all three ended up crotched on the top rope. They continued battling back and forth with headbutts and punches. Punk was shoved off to the mat, followed by Edge. Kane, still on the ropes, recovered and made it to the top of the cage and halfway over but was stopped by Edge. Edge ended up hanging from the top. Punk joined the battle but was shoved off the ropes. Kane was punched back into the ring and Edge dropped down for the win. Lots of good stuff here. Punk looked like he didn't have any ring rust and his work really helped spice up the Edge-Kane chemistry.

Overall, a mixed show. The top matches were all really strong. They gave lots of time to the undercard as well, which allowed some talents who rarely get to work longer bouts the chance to do so. Lots of entertaining stuff. Not a blowaway show by any means but some good wrestling and shenanigans to get the crowd going during the matches.

Notes: They probably had about 8,000 to 10,000 in attendance, the lowest for a card at the IZOD Center in a long time. Most of the upper levels were curtained off....They brought in a basic lighting truss and entrance for the show...No pyro obviously...Since they only had eight matches, everything but the Swagger vs. Masters bout was given time...They were pushing a Tuesday 2/1 Smackdown taping at Nassau Coliseum.