View Full Version : WWE Contacts Former DX Members

08-22-2006, 02:54 AM
Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

There has been informal contact made with both Road Dogg (now BG James) and Billy Gunn (Kip James) about coming back to WWE for the new DX. Road Dogg was directly approached about it, but both of them are under contract to TNA so it’s not happening.

This comes as a surprise to many as the two have publicly bashed WWE, specifically Triple H, multiple times in the past.

Role Model
08-22-2006, 03:56 AM
Well didnt we all now this was going to happen soon or later. Well I think we all new this was going to happen and happen very soon becuase of DX role getting old and over played, and dont forget breaking up becuase of the baby and Shawns leg, so ya they were going to put that into the plan and use that for a month or two them ditch it becuase of all problems and really ya I know everything about it and now there going to break up, but damn I would love to see DX in action once again and PWN the WWE.

But in a real perspective for Road Dog and Bad ass, I think they made the smartest move they ever could of done becuase they probally knew that DX wasnt going to last a while becuase of all the reasons and once again WWE wasnt going to need them any more and after a while realese them and them be without Jobs, becuase they left TNA, but instead they stayed and keep there alright Jobs at TNA. So good choice by both and ya in the end I would of bashed the hell out of them to.

08-22-2006, 07:03 AM
^^^^ Um no where in the topic did i read that they said "NO" it says that there is no way they can do it anyway due to contracts

Role Model
08-22-2006, 01:44 PM
Well man I am not sure what you are trying to say but you didnt write so you might want to go back and say that and not rip someone how, but what I said I stand by and acually for that matter I am right about that.

08-24-2006, 01:32 PM
They should stop trying to bring back DX as a whole. Get something new goin. You can't remake a classic.