View Full Version : Most Recent Lawsuit Against WWE May Have a Tough Time in Court

01-07-2011, 04:54 PM
Remember earlier this week when we reported 18 year-old Ronald Basham filed a lawsuit against WWE for leg injuries he claims he suffered 11 years ago when The Rock vs. Triple H match spilled out in the crowd? Well, I think there is a big smile on the face of the WWE Legal Department this morning. TMZ is reporting that in addition to playing high school football, on Basham's Facebook page he has posted pictures of himself not only stock car racing, but even posted one of him crashing a car into a wall. After the lawsuit was filed, the pictures suddenly disappeared from the page.

His lawyer gave Facebook this quote, "He has a long medical history with knee problems and as far as I know his knee was never injured [from racing cars]." Yeah, I wouldn't say that I knew my client did that either.


01-07-2011, 04:57 PM
Facebook strikes again.

01-07-2011, 06:15 PM

01-07-2011, 09:25 PM
NoDQ.com > WWE > Latest on the fan lawsuit against WWE
Posted by Roscoe De Soto on 01/07/2011 at 12:51 PM

Earlier this week, wrestling fan Ronald Basham sued WWE, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Paul "Triple H" Levque, claiming he was injured while in the audience at WWE's Judgement Day PPV back in 2000.

During the main event of that show, The Rock battled Triple H in a street fight, with the two wrestlers brawling into the crowd. Basham alleges that he was injured during the brawl and says WWE failed properly provide adequate security for its customers. Both Johnson and Levesque have been accused of “reckless, willful and wanton conduct.” He claims to have suffered lingering injuries over the past decade as a result of the incident and recently had knee surgery, for which he's seeking compensation.

According to TMZ.com, Basham's leg couldn't have been too badly hurt by The Rock and Triple H, because he played high school football and has participated in stock car racing for years. Up until his lawsuit was filed, his Facebook page featured various photos of him raacing cars, including pictures of him crashing into a wall.

Basham's lawyer tells TMZ.com, "He has a long medical history with knee problems and as far as I know his knee was never injured [from racing cars]."

Considering his high school football career and his habit of crashing race cars into walls, it seems he will have a difficult time proving WWE, The Rock and Triple H are the ones responsible for his recent knee surgery.


01-08-2011, 03:45 AM
I stand by my initial impressions of the guy. Knob.

01-08-2011, 10:08 AM
Ron Basham? Really? That's the guy's name? They could just settle the case by allowing him to make an appearance as the long lost Basham brother.

Although he'll be disappointed when he finds out nowhere remembers who the hell the Bashams are.