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01-08-2011, 04:53 PM
January 7, 2011 ASW’s “Full Throttle” weekly shows resumed at Strokers Billiards 11236 W. Hillsborough Ave. in Tampa, Florida.

(1) ASW Tag Team champion "The Prodigy" Mike Cruz defeatedCarlos Riveraof the NuYoRicans (w/D. Lee).
The match began with some chain wrestling that Cruz controlled until Rivera got a rope break. Rivera went to the eyes and laid in some chest chops only to have it returned and several moves later, Cruz delivered a dropkick that sent Rivera to the floor. D.Lee got Cruz’s attention long enough to allow Rivera to sneak back in and cheap shot Cruz. With some assistance from D. Lee and some bending of the rules, Rivera kept control of the bout for several moments. Cruz fought out of a chinlock to speed things up and send Rivera flying all over the place. But one leg lariat slowed things down so Rivera could go up but his attempted dropkick was turned into a half crab submission victory for “the Prodigy.”

Ring announcer and co-host of ASW Chain Reaction Sean LaFlash brought out ASW Florida Elite champion “Dancing Machine” Bobby Fonta. Obvious to the fans in attendance but Fonta was not in possession of the gold. Fonta called out the man “holding” the belt since Season’s Beatings Super Grover out to the ring. Instead he got the Kendrick’s who the fans were not happy to see. Kendrick said he was here and he wanted a piece of Fonta. The champion obliged which led to…

(2) In a non-title match, Kennedy Kendrick (w/Camey Kendrick) defeated ASW Florida Elite champion “Dancing Machine” Bobby Fonta.
Fonta actually had control of the match using some head games to get in Kendrick’s face. Kendrick bailed to the floor to confab with his ladyfriend before coming back in. when he did he called for a test of strength. Fonta obliged and went to his knees only to fight back up only to have Kendrick take over on the left arm. Fonta fought out, hit a dropkick and an armdrag working over Kendrick’s left arm and wrist. Fonta headed to the ropes but Kendrick grabbed his pants and hit Fonta with a Saito suplex. Kennedy felt Camey needed to talk to Fonta, so he got the ref in a corner to allow it to occur. Kendrick locked in a submission only to see Font fight to his feet and run into a double axhandle. Fonta reversed a corner move and hit a cross bodyblock but couldn’t make the cover. Instead he turned up the speed and hit Kendrick with several body shots. Fonta hit a running boot and a rolling neckbreaker for two. Kendrick argued with the official and it allowed Camey time to slide Kennedy some kind of powdery substance. Camey got the referee’s attention long enough for Kennedy to blind Fonta and get the cheap pinfall victory.

(3) In a fatal fourway, Ramos of the NuYoRicans defeated Shooter Storm of the World Largest All-Nighters, Gu$ Money of the FXE & Josh Rayne of Misled Youth.
This match featured members of the major factions in ASW (no Highwaymen in this one) and no love loss was shown at the opening bell. Money controlled the match until Ramos tagged himself in to face off with Storm. After beating down Storm, Ramos slapped Rayne on the chest somewhat constituting a tag. The beating continued on Storm’s left arm and wrist for several moments as Money could only watch from his corner. Storm finally got some distance from Ramos with a neckbreaker and he tagged out to Money who went to work on Ramos. D. Lee & Rivera came out to interfere but Mike Cruz stopped them and he was joined by Money via a top rope plancha. That left Rayne & Storm to fight it out in the ring. Rayne missed a top rope double stomp and Storm hit three lariats. Storm hit a modified T-Bone suplex but Rayne rolled to the floor. Ramos used this to hit an unsuspecting Storm with an Acecrusher to win.

Sean LaFlash’s introduction to the next match was ruined by ASW Heavyweight champion Aaron Kanye Epic who bragged about his current winning streak. He bragged about there was no one in ASW who could beat him. That got Biff Slater out of his seat by Commissioner Don Vincent to say he was tired of hearing Epic run his mouth each week.

(4) Alex Decay (w/Lucille) defeated Shawn Prime of Misled Youth (w/Jude McKenzie.)
Decay didn’t wait for his ring introduction; he attacked Prime as he was circling the ring. But he forgot McKenzie was at ringside and he was attacked by both men. Prime finally got Decay in the ring for a proper beating that lasted several moments. Prime risked a DQ on several occasions as McKenzie shouted instructions. Decay and Prime collided mid-ring and we were back to square one. It was Decay who became the aggressor with several high impact moves. Just when things looked bleak, McKenzie got on the ring apron to distract Decay. It was short lived as Prime fell to a superkick. As soon as the bell rang to end the match, Josh Rayne hit the ring and Decay. Misled Youth looked to end Decay but once he got his hands on Lucille, they ran for their lives.

"The Essential" Eric Cooper of the Uprising made his way to the ring to face off with his former Northeast All-Stars partner Simon Sez. Cooper took the ring mic to taunt the fans and remind them one year ago he was helping Simon Sez win the ASW Heavyweight championship. Tonight he was going to end Sez’s career. Sez came out and the trash talking began. The two men had a match that was controlled by Sez until "The Infamous" Eddie Taurus made his way out to ringside. Sez grabbed a chair to defend himself but opted to ask Commissioner Don Vincent to set up an immediate tag match. This brought out Biff Slater of the FXE. The Commissioner obliged and we moved forward into…

(5) The Uprising ("the Essential" Eric Cooper & "The Infamous" Eddie Taurus) defeated FXE's Biff Slater & "The Emerald Emperor" Simon Sez.
Slater started out by taking on Taurus with some power moves. Taurus tagged out only to see Cooper taken to the mat by Slater. Finally the Uprising was able to get Slater into a corner but he reversed and laid in several chest chops that made Taurus scream in agony. Slater went for a spinebuster but Taurus slid out and hit a superkick. He followed up by attacking Sez in the corner. The Uprising used this to their advantage and take over on Slater for several minutes. Slater fought back hitting Taurus with two suplexes and somehow making it to his corner to tag in Sez as Cooper tagged in. The earlier fighting began once more as Sez went to end the match fast. Cooper nearly ended Sez’s social life with a kick to the groin the referee somehow missed. The Uprising took over by attacking Sez’s ribs with headbutts and body stretch submission holds. Slater didn’t help his partner by responding to the Uprising’s antagonism as it led to double teaming and outright cheating. But nothing the Uprising did put the former ASW Heavyweight champion out of the match. Cooper made a tactical error and was hit three times by Sez’s elbow shots. With Cooper out on the mat, Sez crawled over and tagged out to Slater. Cooper tagged out but it didn’t matter as Slater took over on Taurus with a furious power attack. All four men got involved and Sez hit the Sez Express but he was hit with a sitout power bomb by Taurus who was then hit by a Slater delivered Spinebuster. But as Slater went to end the match, ASW Heavyweight champion Aaron Kanye Epic came out to “talk” with Slater. The Uprising used this distraction to roll up Slater for the win.

After the match Epic hid behind ASW security as Slater and Don Maximo chased him around ringside. Commissioner Don Vincent felt he was tired of Epic running his mouth so he asked FXE’s “Head of Security” Don Maximo to shut it.

(6) ASW Heavyweight champion Aaron Kanye Epic defeated Don Maximo of the FXE.
For a moment Epic’s mouth was shut thanks to several elbow smashes to it from Maximo. Maximo followed with some power working over Epic’s back with hiptosses and bodyslams. When Epic slid to the floor Maximo followed with some punishing punches to the face. Epic found safety in the ring and he attacked after Maximo tossed him back in. Epic wasted no time in keeping Maximo grounded with a rear chinlock. Maximo escaped only to be knocked down by a lariat and some punches to his face from Epic who kept calling for Slater to come back out to ringside. Epic made a mistake letting Maximo get to his feet because his attempted lariat was countered by one from Maximo. Maximo got a big second wind and took over on Epic with slams and a splash for two. Slater hit a swinging slam into a facebuster for two and he called for a chokeslam but got two and a half. Epic avoided a corner splash and hit a modified Zig Zag for two. Epic grabbed the house mic begging Slater to come out and save Maximo. Slater came out but with the referee and security distracted, Epic hit Maximo with the championship belt and a superkick to retain.