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View Full Version : Official PC Kinect Support Coming "in the Right Time"

01-09-2011, 03:01 AM
Kinect has only been out for about a couple of months, and already there's been a bunch of awesome (and some simply disturbing...) hacked uses for it on the PC. But it sounds like you'll eventually be able to connect your Kinect to your PC in an officially Microsoft-supported way, as CEO Steve Ballmer reiterated that PC support is planned for sometime in the future.

"We'll support that in a formal way in the right time," Ballmer said about plugging Kinect into a Windows PC during a short video interview with the BBC at CES. "When we got an announcement to make, we'll make it."

You might recall that way back in July of 2009, shortly after the Kinect (then codenamed Natal) was first revealed at E3, Bill Gates very quickly expressed Microsoft's intent to grow the device beyond strictly-gaming applications. Kinect was designed to eventually be "for media consumption as a whole," Gates explained, "even if they connect it up to Windows PCs for interacting in terms of meetings, and collaboration, and communication."

We never really heard much of anything regarding PC-support for Kinect since then, but now we know it's still the plan down the line. Now, Microsoft, just promise us that it'll also come with an official Minority Report-style user interface. Promise.


Speaking about Kinect so here