View Full Version : Stevie Richards Quits TNA

01-11-2011, 09:48 PM
Stevie Richards announced this afternoon that he departed TNA, writing on his Twitter:

"Just left Universal Studios. Had a great talk with Terry Taylor and Vince Russo about making the decision to quit TNA Wrestling. Thanks to everyone there for the past 2 years."

Richards' work had been really good during the EV2.0 run so it's a shame he wasn't more in the mix of late. One thing you couldn't deny was his work ethic. Prior to that run, he had portrayed the Dr. Stevie character in the program with Abyss.

With Richards' departure, Tommy Dreamer is the "last man standing" from the EV2.0 contingent, which means for the third time in his career, he's the last "ECW" guy left from a version of that company.


He's never got a break in wrestling.

01-12-2011, 01:09 AM
He's never got a break in wrestling.

So true.

This is disappointed, especially since they seemed to actually be doing something with him and actually pushing him at one point, but then it just died off. Richards is such a solid worker who is in phenomenal shape and works his ass off, it's a shame he's never gotten the appreciation he deserves.

01-12-2011, 01:28 AM
TNA Could of been his last chance yet they do bullshit with the Dr Stevie and then gave him a chance with Daffney/Raven but it's a shame.

Vick Diesel
01-12-2011, 01:59 AM
I tell ya what...TNA lets all of the good talent go, keeps the rotten talent, and then adds even more rotten talent like Matt Hardy, no wonder Sting hasn't re-signed a contract with them...I don't blame Sting one bit, however, with that said; what's really throwin' me for a loop is that Shop TNA has two brand new Sting T-Shirts one red and one gray both have the same design on them, but my question is this if Sting wasn't gonna re-sign his contract with TNA then why is TNA producing/selling these shirts can someone explain that to me?

01-12-2011, 07:15 PM
thats a shame they should a used him alittle bit more then they did thanks for the post Travis

01-12-2011, 09:22 PM