View Full Version : TNA iMPACT Spoilers for January 27th, 2011

01-13-2011, 03:18 AM
Impact 1/27

*Impact opens with Kurt Angle cutting a promo in the ring about what happened last week with the Jarretts. He asked the crowd if they want one more match. Immortal and Eric Bischoff come out. Bischoff tells Angle his request has been turned down and sends Immortal to attack him. Little Red makes the save with a baseball bat. Flair cuts a promo saying Red can say "They are coming" but the only thing happening next week is the return of Hulk Hogan. Bischoff decides to make it Angle and Little Red, now being called Crimson, vs. all of Immortal tonight.

*In a six Knockout Elinination, Mickie James and The Beautiful People defeated Sarita, Madison Rayne and Tara. Angelina Love was the sole survivor.

*Max Buck defeated The Amazing Red and Chris Sabin. X-Division champion Kazarian was doing commentary.

*Jeff Hardy cuts a promo saying he doesn't care about the fans but he is TNA. He calls out Ken Anderson and says that in seven days, he's going to have the TNA title back. Anderson comes out and says that Jeff loves to bitch and moan but all that matters are wins and losses. Anderson says he has the title now and he'll have it after Against All Odds.

*Velvet Sky cuts a promo saying Winter attacked her and rips her apart, calling her a b**** numerous times. Winter comes out and they get into it but Angelina Love comes out and breaks them up, which pisses off Velvet, who storms off.

*Pope Dinero comes out what he says is "Confessions with Da Pope" and cuts a promo apologizing to Samoa Joe, then says he doesn't like Joe and Joe is one Frency Fry away from a heart attack. He says next week, he will allow a fan on to confess to the Pope.

*Ric Flair cuts a promo backstage psyching up Immortal.

*TNA champ Ken Anderson pinned Matt Hardy with a rollup in a good match. Jeff Hardy hit the ring but RVD hit the ring for the save.

*The main event is Kurt Angle and Crimson vs. Immortal's Beer Money, Kaz, Rob Terry and Gunner and Murphy, with AJ Styles. It turns into a gang beating on Angle, at which point Jeff Jarrett walks out and pins him. The lights go out and when they return, Scott Steiner is in the ring with a crowbar and Immortal bails.


Vick Diesel
01-13-2011, 03:58 AM
That is very interesting, I have a feeling that with Scott Steiner back in action, that we'll be seein Sting back soon enough as well! just my own opinion!

Marshall Mathers
01-13-2011, 05:52 AM
Return of the MAIN EVENT MAFIA!!

01-14-2011, 11:05 PM
YES INDEED! Return of the MEM.

01-16-2011, 10:22 PM
Thanx for posting Travis!

Return of MEM is cool :)

A Blissful Ass
01-22-2011, 04:43 PM
MEM are coming back cant wait for this

Vick Diesel
01-29-2011, 02:22 AM
MEM are coming back cant wait for this

I know what you mean...so excited, I can't contain myself! :laugh: :moonwalk: