View Full Version : WWE Superstars Report for Janurary 13th, 2011

01-14-2011, 03:35 AM
We start off this week’s show with the Smackdown brand and your announcers are Jack Korpela and Matt Striker.

Match Number One: Chris Masters and JTG versus Chavo Guerrero and Curt Hawkins

Masters and Chavo start things off and they lock up with Chavo applying a side head lock. Masters with a shoulder tackle and Chavo goes into the ropes to stop Masters. Chavo and Curt talk strategy before Chavo locks up again and Masters backs Chavo into the corner. Chavo with a kick and punches but Masters with a slam for a near fall. Masters works on the arm and tags in JTG. JTG with an elbow from the turnbuckles and then he returns to the arm and snap mares Chavo and kicks him in the arm before getting a near fall. Chavo with a knee and forearm followed by a snap mare and kick.

Hawkins tags in but JTG with a drop toe hold into a front face lock. Masters tags in and he kicks Hawkins in the ribs before applying the side head lock. Masters with a shoulder tackle and then he tries for the Master Lock but Hawkins uses deception from Chavo to get out of the hold. Hawkins hits Masters from behind and Chavo tags in and he kicks Masters until the referee warns him.

Masters with a chop but Chavo with a kick and he sends Masters into the corner for Hawkins and he tags in. Hawkins with a snap mare and kick to the back as puts Masters in a reverse chin lock. Hawkins with a knee and he runs Masters into the corner. Chavo tags back in and he punches Masters followed by a Latino uppercut. Hawkins tags back in and he snap mares Masters and returns to the reverse chin lock.

JTG tags in and he punches Curt and hits a shoulder tackle and a running boot to the head for a near fall. Hawkins with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Chavo distracts JTG and that allows Hawkins to pull him off the apron and then he kicks JTG to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Chavo has JTG in an arm bar with a chin lock. Hawkins kicks JTG in the head when Chavo talks to the referee. Chavo with an Irish whip but JTG with an elbow to Chavo and a punch to Hawkins on the apron. Chavo brings JTG back into the corner and Hawkins is tagged back in and he kicks JTG. JTG with punches to Hawkins but Curt with a drop toe hold and he drops an elbow to the back for a near fall as he continues to keep JTG from tagging in Chris Masters. Hawkins sends JTG into Chavo’s boot and Chavo is tagged back in and he kicks JTG before putting JTG in a rear chin lock.

JTG with a belly-to-back suplex after a forearm to the back and both men are down. Hawkins makes the tag while JTG is unable to do so. Curt with kicks and he gets a near fall. Hawkins chokes JTG in the ropes and then he chokes him with his boot. Hawkins with a suplex for a near fall. Hawkins with a front face lock. Hawkins kicks Masters’ hand away when he tried for a tag but JTG with a flapjack and both men are down.

Masters and Chavo tag in and Masters with chops and a clothesline followed by a back elbow. Chavo with a kick to the chest but Masters with a spinebuster and he signals for the Master Lock. Chavo with an elbow and kick to the knee and chest. Chavo knocks JTG off the apron. Masters locks in the Master Lock and when Hawkins tries to interfere Masters back body drops Hawkins. Chavo eventually taps out.

Winners: JTG and Chris Masters

It is time to take a look back at this week’s episode of NXT. We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Raw two-thirds of this week’s show. Your announcers are Scott Stanford and Josh Mathews.

Match Number Two: Alicia Fox versus Gail Kim

They lock up and Alicia works on the arm and wrist. Gail rolls through and kicks Alicia away. They lock up again and Alicia backs Gail into the corner and Alicia with a clean break but it was a ruse when she tries to go after Gail in the corner but Gail escapes Alicia’s attempts at offense. Alicia with a side head lock take down but Gail with a head scissors and arm drag and Gail gets a near fall.

Gail with forearms to Alicia but Alicia with an Irish whip. Gail tries to float over but Alicia catches her and then kicks Gail in the ribs. Alicia stands over Gail and taunts her before standing on Gail’s head and stomping on the midsection. Alicia with a gut buster and she gets a near fall. Alicia tries for a seated abdominal stretch but turns it into a knee to the back. Alicia with an abdominal stretch on Gail. Gail counters with a lateral press for a near fall. Alicia with a shot to the midsection followed by a punch to the head. Gail with a clothesline and both women are down. Gail with kicks to Alicia’s ribs. Gail follows it with the running cross body into the corner. Gail goes up top for a missile drop kick and she gets a near fall. Alicia runs Gail into the turnbuckles but Gail hits Eat Defeat for the three count.

Winner: Gail Kim

We go to commercial.

We are back and Did You Know that WWE is on television in a lot of countries in a lot of languages?

We have a John Morrison video package.

It is time for the Hall of Fame Announcement Video Package for Shawn Michaels.

Match Number Three: Yoshi Tatsu, Primo, David Hart Smith, and Darren Young versus The Usos, Zack Ryder, and William Regal

Regal and Primo start things off and Regal with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Regal with an arm wringer but Primo with a monkey flip and drop kick. Jimmy Uso tags in and Primo with a kick and side head lock and Jimmy with a flying forearm followed by a slam. Jimmy misses an elbow drop and Primo with an arm drag. Yoshi is tagged in and he hits a chop from the turnbuckles followed by more chops. Yoshi with a Japanese arm drag for a near fall.

Yoshi works on the arm and Young tags in and he kicks Jimmy and hits a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Jimmy with a kick to Young and he tags in Ryder. Young with a knee to Ryder and Smith tags in and he kicks Ryder. Smith with European uppercuts to Ryder as he works on the shoulder and takes Ryder to the mat. Ryder with knees to Smith in the corner and Regal is tagged back in.

Regal and Smith exchange European uppercuts with Smith gaining control. Ryder is tagged in as Regal brings Smith into the corner. Smith with a clothesline to Ryder followed by a power bomb. Smith decides to go for the delayed vertical suplex and he gets Ryder in the air for about twenty seconds and gets a near fall. Smith with an arm bar. Smith with an Irish whip but he misses the charge into the corner. Jimmy Uso tags in and he punches Smith and gets a near fall. Jey Uso tags in and he connects with some head butts. Ryder tags back in and he pie faces Smith.

Smith with a jackhammer and he knocks his opponents off the apron. Smith sets for a running power slam but Smith is tripped from the floor. Ryder kicks Smith and starts to work on the knee as we go to commercial.

We are back and Jey Uso is working on the leg. Uso with an Irish whip and he misses a splash into the corner. Smith with a kick and he tags Young into the match. Young with an elbow when Smith Irish whips Uso towards him. Young with an elbow drop for a near fall. Young with a forearm to the back. Young with a flying shoulder tackle for a near fall. Uso charges at Young but Young ducks down and Jey goes over the top rope to the floor. Jey knocks Young down and gets a near fall.

Regal tags in and he connects with a running back elbow and gets a near fall. Regal with kicks to the head. Regal distracts the referee and his partners work over Young. Regal with knees and uppercuts. Ryder with a kick to Young from the apron. Ryder tags back in and he punches Young and connects with forearms. Ryder sends Young into the corner and continues with the attack. Ryder with a running boot to the head and then he gets a near fall. Young with a flying mare and both men are down. Ryder grabs the leg but Young with an enzuigiri and he tags in Primo.

Primo with punches and a flying back elbow. Primo with a clothesline and drop kick. He knocks his opponents off the apron and then he takes Zack down with a leg sweep. Primo with a tornado DDT for a near fall.

All eight men are in the ring for a moment and Yoshi is tagged in and he kicks Ryder in the head and gets the three count.

Winners: Primo, David Hart Smith, Yoshi Tatsu, and Darren Young

We go to credits.