View Full Version : TCA: 'Californication' Is Not Pornographic, Its Creator/Exec Producer Declares

01-15-2011, 03:06 AM
From Ray Richmond who is contributing to Deadline Hollywood's TCA coverage:

Responding to a charge from a critic during a TCA session in Pasadena today that the show was essentially soft core pornography during its third season, Californication creator/showrunner Tom Kapinos replied sharply, "That's totally unfair." He then went on to defend the show as having "never gone too far" before spelling out what he sees as the difference between what his series does and actual porn. "Porn is people having sex on film," Kapinos believes. "These are people pretending to have sex while naked."

Co-star Evan Handler was also quick to support his boss, adding, "Particularly in the case of my own sex scenes, they aren't there to titillate but to move the story along. That's not porn."