View Full Version : Why Matt Hardy Should Just Stop Already

01-16-2011, 04:07 PM
Matt Hardy (along with brother Jeff, natch) was a true innovator, changing the face of professional wrestling. That said, in recent years...not so much. Frankly, it's about time for the guy to retire...after an epic Hardy Boyz/Motor City Machine Guns tag team feud that is.

Glory Days are Over

The Hardy Boyz, along with the Dudley Boyz and Edge & Christian, were instrumental in defining tag team wrestling in WWE, as the three teams pushed one another to amazing new heights, literatally and figuratively. Unfortunately, that all went down a decade ago. As high of hopes as everyone had for Matt Hardy, looking back, it's become clear that he peaked somewhere around the turn of the century, and it's all been downhill since then.

He's Beat the Hell Up

While brother Jeff has taken time off in the past, Matt Hardy has been wrestling almost constantly since the mid-1990s, usually according to WWE's notoriously grueling schedule. And frankly, all the abuse has taken its toll on the guy. In addition to assorted small injuries and a major abdominal tear that he worked through for years, Hardy's knees look to be completely shot. All those stupid bumps off ladders have made Hardy about as spry as your grandpa on a cold day.

He Looks Awful

You're right, as far as regular people go, Matt Hardy isn't really that gross, and he even looks to have lost a decent amount of weight since leaving WWE. But Hardy isn't regular people - he's a wrestler, and different standards apply. The guy has neither the cut physique most wrestlers of his size boast these days, nor the good sense of his brother to cover up his abslessness with a wifebeater. And his cross-eyed stare, while just barely fine for YouTube videos, doesn't really play in high-def.

He's Made Enough Money

Matt Hardy hasn't ever been a top tier performer, but he's been a reliable WWE midcarder for over a decade. Combining his salary with the hefty amount of Hardy Boyz merchandise sold over the years should have yielded a considerable nest egg, especially for a guy like Hardy, who seems to enjoy the simpler things in life...like trips to Chili's with R-Truth. And if he blew all that dough on dirtbikes and narcotics, like someone else we know, then a run in TNA probably ain't gonna fix things.

He's Making TNA Even Worse

Whether you think it's true or not, there's no arguing with the fact that TNA has the reputation of being where WWE careers go to die, and Matt Hardy is in no way helping the company with that very common perception. Granted, there are certainly some pretty bitching workers who recently got their walking papers from WWE (*cough* Kaval *cough*), but Hardy is just adding to the list of WWE has-beens and never-will-bes cluttering up the TNA locker room.

He's a Reminder of a Very Uncool Time

Back in 2000-2001, we all thought we were pretty cool - and why wouldn't we? We had our Dickies pants on, Linkin Park was blasting on the radio and we'd finally figured out how to get a bra undone (thanks Sophie!). But here's the thing: We were totally lame, and seeing Matt Hardy on a weekly basis does nothing but bring back weird memories of reading about the Hardy Boyz in a library copy of Boy's Life. Excuse me, Boy'z Life.

He's a Dopey Hick

Have you heard Matt Hardy speak? He's not exactly Ric Flair on the microphone. Whether he's a heel or a face, his promos always come off like they're being delivered by a punch-drunk hillbilly - which they most likely are. Not that there isn't room on television for the nonsensical, pandering ramblings of a provincial imbecile, but Sarah Palin already has that market pretty well cornered.

No Idea What's Cool

We can't blame Matt Hardy for wanting to relive the past, but there's no need for his look to be so hopelessly mired in the late 1990s. The baggy UFO raver pants, the long black Matrix coat - he's exactly how our parents didn't want us dressing in 1998. We thought things might be improving when we heard he was changing his hairdo from that ridiculous undercut, but amazingly, he found something even worse in his new "British Bulldog 2011" look.

Those YouTube Videos Are Embarassing

Matt Hardy, along with his brother and their assorted flunkies, have been balldeep in the world of internet videos for years. While their older Jack-Ass knock-off schtick wasn't anything brilliant, it was vastly preferable to what we have now: Cryptic, nonsensical, self-aggrandizing Matt Hardy hot tub rants. This grown-ass man pissed away any sympathy he had toward the end of his WWE run by acting like a jilted, bitter 14-year-old in a series of truly embarassing YouTube videos.

Give Someone Else a Chance

He's never had the success of his brother, but Matt Hardy has spent enough time in the spotlight. Even as a midcarder/frequent-jobber in WWE, he was taking up a spot that could have been used to groom someone who might actually develop into a legitimate star. Now, in TNA, as part of a major storyline, he's taking valuable television time that could be used to showcase any of TNA's underutilized, fresher talent, like the Pope, Samoa Joe or Jay Lethal.

He's Not Jeff

It's sad, and we do kind of feel bad for the guy, but the biggest thing going against Matt Hardy is simply that he's not his brother. While Matt was once nominally the better worker, time and injury have taken their toll, as Jeff has displayed an uncanny ability to connect with fans. It's depressing watching Matt play second banana to his more successful, more talented younger brother, and we're tired of it. Time to find a hobby that Jeff won't be able to compete in - like staying out of jai


Shane McMahon's Ass
01-16-2011, 04:36 PM
Hey there was nothing wrong with 2000-2001 :(

01-16-2011, 04:38 PM
Yea I liked the Hardyz then.

01-16-2011, 04:55 PM
I liked Matt Hardy while he feuded MVP and his heel turn against Jeff had potential but after that, it was awful. I also hated when he was whining against Lita and Edge. I especially hate Matt after he got fired from WWE and all now in TNA.

Shane McMahon's Ass
01-17-2011, 12:53 AM
Yea I liked the Hardyz then.

I wasn't talking about them lol I was just saying in general there was nothing wrong with 2000-2001

01-17-2011, 02:22 AM
This guy hit the nail on the head. I used to like and defend Matt Hardy, but that's just not possible anymore.

Kenpachi Zaraki
01-17-2011, 05:03 AM
as long as people are willing to hire the guy he can work wherever he wants to. Don't watch if you can't stand him. I personally don't like him but I haven't seen TNA for 3 weeks so yea :P

01-17-2011, 05:19 AM
I'm far from a Matt Hardy fan, but to write an article all about why he should retire is pretty stupid and asinine.

01-17-2011, 02:52 PM
This guy hit the nail on the head. I used to like and defend Matt Hardy, but that's just not possible anymore.

Agreed Kage, my bro makes fun of me for defending him and saying to push him more a while back.

01-18-2011, 03:18 AM
Hardyz Were sweet

01-18-2011, 03:57 AM
Does seem to be the trend now of every single wrestling writer this year thus far that they have to write a bitch up on Hardy.

He looks out fo shape and shouldn't be main eventing but as a mid carder he could do alright in TNA.

The big factor is that we haven't seen how he's gonna be used yet.

Currently feuding with RVD is good for him. I would also suggest it's kind of like a yard stick.

RVDs best days are behind him but he can still go pretty well, can Matt do the same or not?