View Full Version : Robbie Williams accused of song theft

08-25-2006, 11:00 PM
Robbie Williams has been accused of stealing a song by Rod Stewart's stepson Ashley Hamilton.

Ashley - whose mother Alana was Rod's first wife - says he worked with Robbie on new single She's Madonna before the Angels singer asked the Pet Shop Boys to finish the track.

Ashley, 31, told Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper: "We came up with this idea over coffee one afternoon and worked on the lyrics together. The next thing I know, a producer's ringing me up to say congratulations for getting my song on Robbie's record. I didn't know what he was talking about!

"I was shocked. When you work with someone, you're legally entitled to a share of the publishing. I have demos of the tape and will see him in court if I have to. I just want him to be a man and do the right thing."

Ashley claims Robbie went "ballistic" when he tried to approach him and threatened to remove the track from his new album Rudebox'.

Robbie says he wrote the song after seeing Madonna perform at last year's MTV Europe awards, but Ashley insists the track was written three years ago.

Robbie's spokesperson said: "She's Madonna is a collaboration between Robbie and the Pet Shop Boys."
This is not the first time Robbie has faced legal action.

In 2002, he was found guilty of plagiarising and ordered to remove his Jesus In A Camper Van track from future copies of his album I've Been Expecting You and told to pay £50,000 in royalties.

-Bang! Showbiz