View Full Version : 'Anvil!' Director Rocks Hitchcock's 'Making of Psycho'

01-20-2011, 10:00 PM
Years after originally being announced, it looks as if executives at Ivan Reitman's Montecito Pictures are finally moving forward on Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho, a long-gestating film based on Stephen Rebello's 20-year-old book about. (It previously had drafts written by Rebello and Black Swan writer John McLaughlin.) Normally I'd be like "eh," but the LA Times is reporting that Sacha Gervasi, director of the incredible Sundance documentary Anvil! The Story of Anvil, is in discussions to write and direct a scripted film based on a chapter in the career of Sir Alfred. Among Rebello's many insights is that the 1960 hit Psycho was a departure for the North by Northwest director, a more explicitly shocking film that was meant to compete with other low-budget horror pictures -- The Blair Witch Project of its day, at the Times suggests.