View Full Version : WWE Tough Enough Seeking Wrestlers From a Promotion That Contains Wrestlers?

01-20-2011, 11:23 PM
Producers for WWE Tough Enough have reportedly reached out to contracted Ring of Honor wrestlers about being a part of the show.


Hope you like the name :shifty:

01-21-2011, 12:15 AM
LOL, they should go to NXT. Tough Enough sounds like they're not going to take any true nobodies and just indy wrestlers.

Big Evil
01-21-2011, 12:19 AM
So it's not a true Tough Enough anymore, just a way for WWE to bring in indy wrestlers? Not a bad idea, considering I would rather see someone with talent and experience than someone who is wanting to test the waters of pro wrestling.

Still, not true to the original idea of Tough Enough competition.

01-21-2011, 12:24 AM
So it's not a true Tough Enough anymore, just a way for WWE to bring in indy wrestlers? Not a bad idea, considering I would rather see someone with talent and experience than someone who is wanting to test the waters of pro wrestling.

Still, not true to the original idea of Tough Enough competition.

That's why I was wary of entering, the whole point of Tough Enough was to give nobodies who didn't know how to even begin to get into pro-wrestling a way to get in. If it's just for indy people to come in and spit on all their indy stuff and pretend to be new to pro-wrestling, they should have just sent them to NXT.

Kenpachi Zaraki
01-21-2011, 05:12 AM
meh who cares they won't last more than a few weeks an year at most

01-21-2011, 06:25 AM
^ Cough Punk?

and yea there's alot that could.

Kenpachi Zaraki
01-21-2011, 07:59 AM
Punk is the exception that proves the rule :)

Black Widow
01-21-2011, 12:43 PM
the likes of chris danils making it in wwe would be stupid because as great as he is he or anyone like that would never get a good push in wwe they would last a month at the top main eventing the doomed to jobbing

Kenpachi Zaraki
01-21-2011, 05:52 PM
the likes of chris danils making it in wwe would be stupid because as great as he is he or anyone like that would never get a good push in wwe they would last a month at the top main eventing the doomed to jobbing

what makes you think he'll even get to main eventing :P

01-21-2011, 05:58 PM
One reason i used to like tough enough was because it was as real as it could get. I read on the main page that the show will follow a storyline wich completly ruins the point of a reality show.I think thats why NXT didnt go so well.
Im looking forward to seeing how they do this though,to see if they do learn from their mistakes(ie. making it anything like NXT)

01-21-2011, 09:59 PM
Daniels deserves a big breka he's work his ass more than 3 quarters of the WWE Current Roster and deserves it more.

Kenpachi Zaraki
01-22-2011, 09:08 AM
Daniels deserves a big breka he's work his ass more than 3 quarters of the WWE Current Roster and deserves it more.

TNA was his break. He's 38 what's the use of signing him