View Full Version : Interesting Info About WWE Storyline Changes

01-23-2011, 02:48 PM
Yesterday we posted a quote from the blog of former WWE writer John Piermarini. Since that post, all of his blog postings have been removed. One of the other things he talked about backs up the belief that WWE changes plans on a regular basis. Here's what he wrote about last year's Money in the Bank:

"Walking into the arena that day Drew McIntyre was set to win the Money in the Bank briefcase. But Drew wasn’t the Superstar who was originally set to win. That was Kane, but was changed later after Kevin Dunn agreed with my philosophy that it would benefit a younger guy to carry that briefcase for a while. So it was set one week before the Pay-Per-View, Drew was to win Money in the Bank. While in the production meeting hours before the show a case was made to have Kane win the briefcase and cash in that night. The thought process? Sheamus was retaining the WWE Title; Miz was winning the RAW Money in the Bank (more on this later) and certain people felt like the average fan would have the feeling too many heels won. Keep in mind Kane would turn heel by defeating one of the most popular WWE Superstars in WWE by cashing in. None to less, the feeling was that this was the first ever Money in the Bank PPV and something needed to happen to brand this PPV as 'anything can happen.' I gave the argument that the current storyline had Kane wanting to capture the holy grail for his brother and by doing so tonight took away any future story you had with Kane trying to take it off a someone who may have 'took out' Undertaker. I added Kane should challenge Mysterio at Summerslam and go over there."

Piermarini went on to mention that Randy Orton was originally scheduled to win the RAW Money in the Bank before it was changed to The Miz.


01-23-2011, 02:56 PM
Should have had Orton win the briefcase instead of Miz and save us from this disaster of a title reign.