View Full Version : Impact Results – 24th Aug 2006

08-27-2006, 07:18 AM
Impact Results – 24th Aug 2006
Taped From: Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay & Don West

-Show starts with Borash outside with Brother Runt. He says he wants to wrestle Abyss next week in a 10,000 thumbtack match. Runt says Abyss made a mistake when he let him live to fight again. The camera looks up and shows Raven sitting on top of a TV turck, looking down and smiling at Runt.

-The Impact opening aired.

-Shane Douglas is in the ring. Douglas says, not to brag, but he took the Naturals back to the top. He talks about Chase Stevens winning the match last week to earn the Naturals the #1 contendership. He asks the fans if it's time for the "newly franchised" Naturals to win the tag titles. He encourages the fans to scream loud as he introduces the team and they make their way to the ring.

Alex Shelley & Johnny Devine defeated The Naturals (Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas) w/ Shane Douglas
There was a commercial during the middle of the match. The finish came when Stevens was going for a powerbomb. Shelley dropkicked him in the back of the Knees. Devine then used this oppurtunity to roll up Stevens and get the pin.

-After the match, Douglas got in the ring and screamed at his team. "Is that what I've been teaching you?" He continued, talking about how they don't deserve to stand in the ring and be number one contenders.

-Borash is backstage with AMW and Gail Kim. Borash asks them about the fight last week between the two. Harris says the two of them are like brothers and don't always see eye to eye. Harris says they need to get their heads straight and figure out of they are still a team. Storm says he doesn't like what's going on with the team either. Harris asks him if they are going to do things right. He goes to shake Storm's hand, but Storm doesn't do it. Instead, he grabs two beer bottles and gives one to Harris. They do a cheers with their bottles and walk off.


-Christian Cage makes his way to the ring for a promo. There is a chair sitting in the middle of the ring which he sits down on as he begins to speak. Christian says Sting lied to everyone when he said he'd become NWA Champ. Christian talks about Sting being a man of God. Christian calls himself the God of TNA. Rhino comes out and gets in Christian's face. Rhino says he's sick of all the talk and wants to know why Christian turned on Sting. Rhino screams at him for an answer. Christian says he knows Rhino and Sting have a long friendship. He says Sting was the first one to come see Rhino when he had his neck surgery. Christian then sarcastically says, "Oh wait, that was me." Christian talks about how he was the one who called Rhino when he was down and out. Christian says it was he who called Rhino when Rhino's wife threatened to leave and take their child to Germany so Rhino could never see her again. Christian says it's obvious that Rhino has chose Sting over him, despite all of this. He gives Rhino a chair and tells him to hit him in the back with it. He tells Rhino to think about throwing 10 years of friendship away for someone that doesn't even care about him. Rhino doesn't hit him. Christian asks him why he didn't do it? Christian asks if this whole thing is about Sting, or whether it's because Rhino is jealous that he has a nicer car, house, and became a bigger star. Rhino gets ready to hit him but throws down the chair. Christian says he's the only one around here with any balls. Rhino says he doesn't need a chair, and then he attacks Christian. He hits him and nails a back body drop. Rhino goes for the Gore, but Christian throws the chair in his face. Rhino starts to bleed. Christian hits him again in the head with the chair. He chokes Rhino. He puts Rhino's head on top of a seated chair, and he grabs another chair and nails a conchairto. Christian holds Rhino's bloody head in his hands. Very, very good segment.


-A video package airs recapping the events between Earl Hebner, Larry Zbyszko, Slick Johnson and Jim Cornette. Larry denies being involved with Hebner or Jarrett. Borash asks Larry why Hebner was fired? Larry says he'll have to ask Cornette. Larry says Slick Johnson should be fired. Eric Young comes in, with all the firing talk and all. Larry tells Eric that he has a match next week on Impact, and if he doesn't win he should pack his bags.

-A very short highlight montage is shown of what just happened with Christian/Rhino.

Abyss w/ James Mitchell defeated Cassidy Riley
Your typical Abyss squash match. James Mitchell poured thumbtacks on the announce table during the match. Abyss won with the Black Hole Slam.

-After the match, Abyss poured tacks in the ring. He starts to go crazy and smashes his hands into the tacks.


-A pre-taped video with Sting airs. He says he will put his career on the line against Jeff Jarrett at Bound For Glory. He is willing to do anything so that the title is on the line. Sting is shown signing the contract, and he notes only one signature is missing now (Jarrett's).

-Mike Tenay holds the contract in the Impact Zone. Jeff Jarrett comes out and takes it. He said he will have a public execution of the contract next week.

-A video package for the main event airs.

NWA Tag Title Match
LAX (Homicide & Hernandez) w/ Konnan defeated AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels to capture the titles
Styles and Daniels wrestled this matchin their street clothes, quickly running down the ramp to the ring when they were introduced to start the match. They brawled all over ringside before a commercial break. The finish came when Styles leaped over the top to the outside to take out Hernandez. Daniels then went to the top rope, but Homicide crotched him. Homicide set up a table in the ring and climbed up to the top turnbuckle with Daniels. Daniels fights back and gets ready to go for the Angel's Wings. Konnan comes in and hits Daniels with a slapjack. Homicide then nailed an Ace Crusher from the top through the table. He covered Daniels, still laying on the broke table, and got the pinfall.

-After the match, LAX celebrated. Styles checked on his fallen teammate, whom was not moving.

-A promo aired hyping up the Abyss/Brother Runt "10,000 Thumbtack Match" next week.