View Full Version : HFPA: Next Year's Show Will Go On "With Or Without" Dick Clark Prods.

01-24-2011, 10:17 PM
This statement comes from the HFPA, which is responding to a story today that says legal wranglings will prevent next year's Golden Globes from taking place.

"Regardless of the legal proceedings with Red Zone and Dick Clark Productions, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association will present the Sixty-Ninth Annual Golden Globe Awards Show as scheduled in January 2012. The show will go on, with or without dcp."

The battle brewing was legally set into motion on Nov. 17. That's when the HFPA sued Dick Clark Prods., accusing it of surreptitiously signing an eight-year broadcast agreement with NBC. Dick Clark Productions has already asked the United States District Court for the Central District of California to dismiss the complaint. But whatever happens, the schedule was definitely being called into question now that the fighting has begun, and whether all of this can be wrapped up in time to put on a show in January. The dates being put forth for the trial's likely beginning, according to filings last week, are December 1, 2011 and March 5, 2012.