View Full Version : Elton John Dosen't Expect Royal Wedding Invite

01-25-2011, 04:03 PM
ROCKER Elton John doesn’t expect to be invited to Prince William’s wedding to girlfriend Kate Middleton.

The singer — who was good friends with William’s mom, the late Princess Diana, says he’s not counting on being asked to attend the royal nuptials.

“I think because of my relationship with Princess Diana, people automatically think I’m going to be invited,” Elton said.

“I just wish them the happiest of lives together.

“They seem very happy. He’s a really terrific man, William, and he’s going to be a great king.

“I’m not invited to the wedding, I would not expect to be invited to the wedding,” he said. “I don’t really know the boys at all.

“I met the boys and had lunch with them when their mother was alive. I re-met them again when I did the concert for Diana a couple of years ago — the memorial concert.

“They’re tremendous boys, but I don’t know them (so) it would be presumptuous of me to even talk about them.

“They are great boys, their mum would be very proud of them.

“These boys are their own people, they have their own friends, and I just hope that they have the best day and its sunny and it’s a great occasion for them.”