View Full Version : Colin Firth Celebrates Oscar Nod with Champagne

01-26-2011, 06:46 AM
COLIN Firth celebrated his Best Actor Oscar nomination with some early morning champagne.

The 50-year-old star — who is favorite to win the prestigious award at next month’s ceremony for his portrayal of stuttering British monarch King George VI in The King’s Speech — admitted he treated himself to some fizz as soon as he heard the news even though it was still early.

“I’m currently celebrating with my colleagues three feet above the ground. Not used to this much joy, or this much champagne at this hour,” he said.

While Colin has already indulged in some alcohol, Best Supporting Actor nominee Mark Ruffalo is saving the champagne to share with his wife Sunrise Coigney tonight after their three children have gone to bed.

“We got a bottle of Veuve Clicquot in the refrigerator that we couldn’t drink because we had the stomach flu on New Year’s Eve, so we’re going to bust that baby out tonight!” he said.

One nominee who won’t be able to celebrate with champagne is pregnant Natalie Portman but the 29-year-old beauty admits it’s a huge “honor” to be given the nod for Best Actress for her role in Black Swan.

“I am so honored and grateful to the Academy for this recognition. It is a wonderful culmination of the 10-year journey with Darren Aronofsky to make this film,” she said.

“Making Black Swan is already the most meaningful experience of my career, and the passion shown for the film has completed the process of communication between artists and audience. I am so thankful for the support we have received and I share this honour with the entire cast and crew of the film, especially Darren Aronofsky.”

The winners will be announced at a star-studded ceremony on February 27 at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles, which will be presented by Anne Hathaway and James Franco, who is competing against Colin for Best Actor for his role in 127 Hours.