View Full Version : Academy Award Winning Editor Destroys 3-D

01-26-2011, 09:55 PM
With more and more movies being released in 3-D, the debate continues as to if the format is not only sustainable, but also worthwhile - not to mention if there's a real benefit beyond charging extra for a ticket. Academy Award winning editor Walter Murch has just slammed the breaks on the debate, and can probably be seen in the comfort of his home with both arms raised in the air in victory. Murch, the most respected film editor and sound designer in the modern cinema, wrote film critic Roger Ebert a letter explaining why 3-D is a joke, thus ending the decade-long debate. "They are doing something that 600 million years of evolution never prepared them for. This is a deep problem, which no amount of technical tweaking can fix." Click the link to read what he's talking about and then chime in below with your thoughts.

Roger Ebert